First grow: Is my autoflower on schedule?


Active Member
Hello everyone!
I'm new here: first day with an account, first post, first grow and first worries :rolleyes:

So I started growing a sour diesel a bit more than a week ago
I germinated with the paper towel method and everything worked perfectly.
I planted it 9 days ago and it took 2 days to sprout and here I am a week later.

Now this is my first grow and I have no way to tell if she is in time with what's considered the norm.
As it's an autoflower, I figured I'm on a tight schedule if I want it to grow enough to get any kind of decent yield.
So I did a bit of googling around and stumbled upon pictures of 1week old plant that were already growing their third set of leaves when my second set is barely coming in.
Is my baby stunted? :???:
I also noticed the new growth is lighter in color than the tips.
Could this be the result of a deficiency?

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yeah I figured... :sad:
We got a lot of shitty weather where I live, but the last 2 weeks were really sunny with only one or two overcast days.

I forgot to mention I started another seed (northern light) like three days later.
This one is starting to develop its second leafset even though its first one is like only one fourth of the size of the first leafset of my sourD...
I'm really trying to figure out what is it I'm doing wrong.:confused:
I have (had) my seedlings under 24 hours of light. I'm growing outdoors this year so hardening them off is importnant. After a week I put them outside on a table, to keep them away from bugs. And bring them in around 5:00 when they shaded by the trees for LED lights. All but one of my plants are out in the field and are about a half foot tall @ three weeks old. The last one was a late starter and is about a week behind the others. It will be planted by next week at it's current rate of growth. You can't beat Sunshine for free light plus the wide spectrum that they love to grow under. Give it a try and see.
Your plant look healty new growth is usually lighter green so everything looks fine.. they dont require much nutrients of anything that young.. but were lacking lots of details to assess your specific situation (indoor or outdoor, light, light schedule, temps, humidity, what type of soil, etc) but overall i wouldnt worry look healty..

Sometimes its just genetics too some strain grow faster than others..

Good luck with your grow
What is hardening a seedling?

And about the details:
for the light: I don't have anything other than the sun. I Bring my seedling outside in the morning and back inside my veranda in the evening.

I grow it outdoors:
I plan to move it to my greenhouse when it will be a bit bigger, I'm affraid it's still too young and fragile for the 10°c nights we usually have.

I grow it in a big pot I found in my backyard. I think it's like 40liters or so. I didn't plant them in small pots because I read that transplanting auto wasn't a good idea because it would stunt them.
But a few days after they sprouted, I read that small seedling in big pots usually grew slower and had overwatering issues. I don't know what to believe anymore lol.

for the soil:
I used an organic potting mix with perlite and no "included first 2weeks of feeding" kinda shit as I heard it could burn them easily.

Didn't use anything yet. I water them everyday but only like a small glass's worth.

these days we get between 20°c and 27°c during the day and it's around 18°c inside the veranda at night.

compared to yesterday, the new leafset grew like 2 or 3mm in lenght but they are supposed to be the first fan leaves and I still don't see their other fingers.
I don't have a clue how much time a leafset takes to grow before the new one appears.
thanks you all for taking the time to help me!
Ill bet those roots are putting in some major major work beneath the soil. I grew a grizzly purple auto last year that was slow in growth for the first 2 weeks, then exploded with new growth. Be patient and good luck. ✌
As above, some grow slow , big pot, more energy going into creating root mass, do y worry it looks fine, just keep on top of your watering