First grow, just transplanted from 5 gal to 20 gal

First time grower, growing Blackjack strain (sweet seeds version), just went from 5 gal cloth to 20 gal. Soil is Fox Farm Ocean Forest, amended with dolomite lime, and I feed with Fox Farm Grow Big, kelp extract, and coconut water. Occasionally foliar with kelp, coconut, and aloe. We got the clones in March, and despite some screw ups with nute burn early on stunting her a bit, I think she's doing pretty well. 20200608_115927.jpg20200608_115920.jpg20200608_115914.jpg
Just curious to hear some thoughts on how she's doing or get some advice from more experienced growers as I've never done this before.
yup, if you want max yield throw that in a 100+ in a few weeks. You'll have to cut the bag away if you do this, don't try to pull it out of the 20. Beeautiful plant tho :0
I might be able to pull off 50 gallon, but I don't think I'll be able to make 100 gal work with the space I'm working with. It's gonna be a pain to keep it below the fence line already, but I've been working on training it low. I'll do whatever I think I can get away with.
Somewhat off topic, did your clones seem stunted when you got them? I also picked up Dark Heart clones and it took about four weeks before it finally got some new growth. In that time its roots filled out the 12oz cup it was in but, it didn't get any new leaves, height, shoots, etc. Also my first grow but given other things I had going on and what I read/was expecting, it seemed odd. Prior to deciding on buying clones I did what I thought was decent research but, I don't know. I bought them in late May and they just started getting new leaves and such maybe a weeks ago. Did you have a similar experience?
Somewhat off topic, did your clones seem stunted when you got them? I also picked up Dark Heart clones and it took about four weeks before it finally got some new growth. In that time its roots filled out the 12oz cup it was in but, it didn't get any new leaves, height, shoots, etc. Also my first grow but given other things I had going on and what I read/was expecting, it seemed odd. Prior to deciding on buying clones I did what I thought was decent research but, I don't know. I bought them in late May and they just started getting new leaves and such maybe a weeks ago. Did you have a similar experience?
Why didn’t you get seedlings from darkheart ?
Why didn’t you get seedlings from darkheart ?
I decided on Dark Heart, then decided on the strain(Vanilla Frosting), then decided on the dispensary. I don't even know if their seedlings are available in my area, because I didn't know that was a thing, but, if I ever decide to go that route again, I'll look into it. I only got them because I can have 6 plants and two of my young plants died. So, I started two new seeds. I thought I killed both of those so, I was something like a month behind for those two spots in my greenhouse. I thought the best way to fill those two spots without losing too much yield was to buy plants instead of popping new seeds. That's when I bought the clones. After going to compost the two seedlings I thought were dead, I noticed that one of them had roots for days and realized it might be savable. That seedling was brought back to life and is now twice as tall and significantly larger than either of the clones I got. I decided to scrap a different plant in the greenhouse and keep the two clones so that I have 2 plants per strain instead of 3 Sunset Sherbet,2 Vanilla Frosting, and 1 Wedding Cake.