First Grow/LED w DWC undercurrent

Nice website first off. Absolutely new to growing some herb. I guess I'll start off with what my system and set up is going to be.

~Critical Super Silver Haze(currently in cloning hood) 1 mother in soil/tent until i set up Cloning/Mother room
~5x5x8 grow tent
~LED lighting Illumitex NeoSol DS(so far temp stays around 78-81 RH@40-50)
~DWC undercurrent 4 bucket system(1" PVC connected to 3/4 bulkheads, 20 gallon res with water chiller)
~Hydroton w/ General Hydroponics Nutes

Feel free to shoot me any questions or concerns as I update my grow, Thanks



Well-Known Member
Lowes has a better basket for those buckets by the pond stuff. Are the corners leaking light into the buckets? Otherwise looks good. I'm guessing this will get moved to the Grow Journal section.
do i need to move it? the buckets cover the sides(barely) when positioned just right, for some reason my dumbass just whistled and walked on by the square pots at the nursery that would have been perfect.NOOB
If i need to move this thread, please let me know how.
1/24 added 4 clones to the hydro, and 2 two soil because i have room(i think)
One of the hydro transplants (Back Left) didn't look to good until I added a 1/4 nute mix on 1/25, today it seemed to have perked up.
The transplants seem to have a burned tip or two, and a couple edges of fan leaves look reddish under the light, I dont know if this is nute burn or maybe too much light, just gonna give pH water for now and see what happens...Also added a cheap CO2 system with active yeast/sugar waterIMG_1675.JPGIMG_1677.JPG IMG_1678.JPG IMG_1676.JPG
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So they got transplanted on the 21st, and new growth has been very minimal, is this normal? the roots are coming down pretty well but still not out of the net pot. When do you really start to see growth explode?

D port Growth

Well-Known Member
I usually notice clone growth after I see a few "fishbone" roots then I pop them in soil and in about a week they "harden" and start growing normally. First the clone has to make a root system then it will grow. Think of it like this, you just sliced that girl all up the plant goes into a healing mode and slows growth until healing is done. Once complete you will see that explosion you're after
Added 1/3 strength nutes to res for hydro and 1/2 strength for soil. One of the girls in soil and one in hydro are taking off big time! The others are getting ready too, looks like the growth i was worried about is finally here! How long should i veg for????IMG_1451.JPGIMG_1451.JPG IMG_1452.JPG IMG_1452.JPG

D port Growth

Well-Known Member
It depends are you going to train, (lst, supercrop, fim, top) if no training then how much bud are you hoping to pull total ?

D port Growth

Well-Known Member
A good rule of thumb I have learned is that once you flip to flower your plants will grow twice as big as your veg plant personally I veg to about 12-20 inches and flip all depends on what your doing (technique)

D port Growth

Well-Known Member
I have never ran a scrog but there are plenty of masters on here just start searching led dwc scrog to find some similar grows
The roots have been growing strong, today I noticed a little green build up on the sides of the buckets and on the roots themselves. The res did not have a lid on it until today(first grow)...What do I need to resolve this? I've read some h202 can help remedy. Do i need to drain all the water out and scrub it down, if so with what? Or do i just let it go

D port Growth

Well-Known Member
yes use that scrub it out clean it then refill and remember light + water = alge be sure to check all tubing and swap it from clear to blue if you are using clear air tube


Well-Known Member
I be following this one. Ive been lookin at the undercurrent system for a long time now. I just aint there yet. I see they have the solo pro series which would be great for 5 x 5 setup under 4 area51 RW150. I think that might be my next run?? Are you runnin a chiller? How are they likin that F3 spectrum?
Yah I have a 1/10 chiller, works great, water stays at 65. Had to wrap the buckets in black garbage bags due to to much light getting in. The plants seem to love the light. It's crazy how big and fat the leaves are, I'll post pictures tonight