First grow, limited headroom, suld I top?


I have 6.5 feet from floor to ceiling, with lamp and restrictions I have about 4.5 feet of plant to work with. tallest is current about 1.5 feet tall.
Should I top the taller plants to restrict how tall they grow asI have limited room? I',m planning to veg in 10days so should I top now?

pics taken 2days ago, they have grown another inch since!

First grow and don't know what strain they are except they are def indicas.right?

I raised the light(400watt hps) in order to takethe photos it is normally 12-16inches from canopy


nope, if your only gonna flower another 10 days then don't top anything. I have the exact same height as you and I have been vegging mine for a month and they are only about half way of my space.