First Grow! Low start-up cost, learning as I go.

I started my first CFL grow last week! I germinated bag seed so I could really have anything. At this point it's still just a learning experience. When I get more money I'm going to invest in better seed and improve my set-up. Any advice is gladly appreciated!

Off the bat I'm already worried because my cotyledon are browning, and I don't know what to do about it. Any tips?



Active Member
they do nothing anyway so dont worry about it - the only thing i would say is tat light seems a bit too close - how many watts?
My CFL is a 26 watt 6500K. I'll raise it up a little bit. I was worried I was over-watering the plant, so I haven't watered since I transplanted it into the cup.


Active Member
I think the light is just a little too close for this stage (seedling). I think after a week it should be fine having it at that distance again.


Active Member
My reply from another thread:

Get a light timer for when you put them into flower and some 2700k lights. You can save some money on electricity by switching to 18/6, but it's a bit slower and easier on the plants. Also, lose the tinfoil and replace it with flat white paint or one of those shiny car windsheild things. A thermomiter/humidity meter couldn't hurt. Do some research on fans and the yeast and sugar method to adding co2 to your room. You might look into molasses (grocery store prob.) and some epsom salts (bath salt, found everywhere for cheap) because weed loves that shit. The epsom salt is a natural dehumidifier, which is good so you don't get mold in your buds when flowering. Maybe some febreeze to cover OUTSIDE of the room when flowering? Peace.
Are you gonna seal your room? It helps keep out bugs. Get a cup that isn't see-through. And when you pick a soil you should put in a clay, not plastic.


Active Member
Personally I enjoy sativas just because I won't pass out after an hour or two. Why do they have to grow taller.. ergh
Well, today I "hollowed out" my old dresser (it was really flimsy, and the bottoms of the individual drawers had started falling out... thanks IKEA) for my new "grow box". As always, I'm learning as I do this. My next investment is going to be to get a small fan to blow in there... hopefully gonna find it under ten bucks if I'm lucky. Advice is always appreciated!



Active Member
Try uploading two, then click the upload image thing again and just do two at a time. It doesn't let me do more than 3 I think at a time. Who knows how computers work... jk
Hey guys. Sorry I haven't been around in a minute; I had to quit smoking because I'm planning on taking a drug test soon. Today is Day 2 of no weed AKA day 2 of no fun . :-|

Anyways my plant is coming along nicely. I'm a little worried because the tips of the leaves are browning, and I know that CAN'T be good. I began using Miracle-Gro watering can singles to fertilize my plants, and I think I may have over concentrated so I'm gonna cut back on that and see if it makes any difference. The third set of leaves are starting to come in, so today was a pretty exciting day. Check it out, and let me know what you think!

