First grow, lowryder #2


Hi guys, first grow here and post, lots of help on this site, lots of ''informed'' people!

I just ordered ten seeds of lowryder 2 from the netherlands, still waiting but I got the confirmation so I know they are on the way! also 5 free mazar x afghan (second grow!).

anyways I will start off with my story, im working at the grand canyon, on the less populated north rim for the summer(present-mid oct.) and it was kinda boring and was going to go home until I found out about lowryder and it unique cycle, i figured this would be a great way to pass the time and make some great smoke, so here i am.

here are my conditions and limits though

first my altitude is about 8200ft.

july/august temps avg.
45 nightime to 75daytime

I have the supplies I have, no way to go to store i have no car and closest store is 81miles away probably 150 miles to closest garden store or wal mart

i have peat pellets and ten 18 inch pots
i filled my pots with 2 part miracle grow (3month feed) potting soil, 1 part scotts premium organic topsoil, 1 part perlite

i mixed in the scotts because i wanted its organic compost/sphagnum and to thin out the mg nutes.
(an exta bag of scotts in closet)

planning on using paper towel method for seeds and start them in peat pellets, theres a 20 watt cool white fluro tube in my dorm room over bed, is this good to starts seeds under or useless?

Im planting on a secluded side of canyon on rock ledge,direct morning sun from 6a-2p , this good?

any comments and advice would be appreciated, thanks guys.


Active Member
I'm doing the same thing as you, veg indoors and then plant outdoors. No, that light won't be enough if you plan to plant this season...I'm just germinating now and trying to move ASAP to get as much of the light cycle as I can. I have 4 1800 lumen CFL's for 4 seedlings/veg and your 20w FL probably has about 600 lumens. (And Ive been told I need more lighting).
You will probably hear a lot of anti-MG on here...but if it works, it works, if it dont it dont and you'll soon find out. <--start your seeds in the Scotts, the MG will fry your babies
I'm personally germinating in water just because its faster and I need every day I can get. Paper towel method is 1-7 days, putting the seeds in a cup of water is 1-3 days.
Only 8 hrs of light is...very little (your veg's would basically be flowering as soon as you put them out there). You make it sound like you are isolated so finding a better grow spot shouldn't be too hard.

Are your seeds feminized or normal? If normal you will have to sex them..unless you want seeds/worse bud.