first grow *need advice* timer mistake


ok this is my first grow from bagseed and it showed signs of female so i think im in the clear there. its on 2 CFLs (23w=100w is what it stated on the bulb package) and a little portable fan also a 15-30-15 MiracleGro Bloom Booster. i first had my plant growing in a stealth cabinet i put together from Walmart but after i switched over to 12/12 lighting it shot up and reached the top of the area i knew i had to move it so i moved it into my closet and started trying LST but im not sure if i bent the main stem too much or what but i didnt tie it down and its not growing back so i had to hang a string to make sure the branch wouldnt completely fall so im alittle worried there. also when i moved it to my closet somehow my timer messed up the light cycle and it was on like a 16/8 cycle when i was supposed to be flowering 12/12 and i didnt realized til i checked it tonight so maybe 3-4days on the wrong cycle. so my concerns are:

1. Is the lighting not enough? also my funds are close to depletion.
2. Are the nutes wrong?
3. Did I bend the branch too much to ruin it?
4. Did the timer mistake make it a fail aswell?

thanks in advance! pictures are followed

EDIT: also using FFOF soil. no perlite. no ph testers or checkers of any kind. i know this isnt a good thing but i wanted to see how i could do with just a basic setup.



Well-Known Member
the lights are about adequate but you wont harvest a huge amount because of them, nutes sound fine, it does look like you've been a bit to heavy when you bent the stem but if the plant is still green and growin g then you havent cracked it too much, its still getting food although it will probably take a little time to heal up. the timer shouldnt make any real difference. my advice is just to keep on goin as there really nothing else to do. chances are you'll probably have to keep your broken stem suspended for the the duration as its unlikely to recover enuff to support the extra weight that it'll put on .best of luck.


yeah i know after this grow imma have to get a new light. also with the main stem, i didnt bend it hard at all, i just think it was a little thick and not stretchy that made it bend that way. thanks for the advice!


Well-Known Member
46watts is not enough to flower this plant, yeild will be so wispy and small. Ignore the lights claim that they equal 100watts each, complete fabrication unfortunatly. Peace


Well-Known Member
Yer they dont look too bad, stretchy but green, flowering ok but will never get dense and probably start running without more light plus you got too many budsites to light up with them small cfl's.

Obviously a 400watt Hps would be good but then you would need much bigger ventilation and better setup. More cfls would help but as ive said final yeild will be very small and loose. Two foot flourescents in the right flowering spectrum or even veg if your desperate will also help and quite easy to source.

Best advice has got to be read some threads and find similar growers and see what their yeilds were for each particular light. if i grew with small cfls id definatly keep my plant about 7 to 8 inches tall max for final flowering height and flower after two to three weeks veg. Different lights will inevitablly mean different procedures for the grow.

Sucks being skint but at the end of the day if you grow with weak lights your gona be just as skint whereas if you invest in a 400watt/600watt light in an air cooled shade, tent and 6inch high powered ruck fan then you aint gona be that skint from all the yeild you got. Cfls are a viscious circle, yeild small and stay small. Peace