First Grow Need Feedback

Hey - First time grower out of a 3 above-average dank bagseeds that sprouted about 3-4 weeks ago (pictures make 'em look saggy, but I just gave 'em a spray of water beforehand that's all), the pot in the back is two dank seeds I JUST planted...they're all under 3 13watt CFLs @ 825 lumens each and 2 15watt FLs @ 900 lumens each...I know it could use more but it's what I'm workin' with...any feedback is much appreciated - thx



Well-Known Member
dont spray your plants unless theres a problem,,it can create mold issues,,u need more lights,,more wattage,,blue's for veg reds for flowering,,with the wattage u have itl take u 5 months to grow a blunts worth:)


Well-Known Member
I agree. No more spraying, you want the roots to grow big and strong searching out for water. Spraying the leaves doesn't encourage that. Also more lights. CFLs are cheap.


Well-Known Member
as said before, do not spray or get the leaves wet, combined with the light, it can burn the plant, and thats not good, we want to burn the plant, but not just yet


Well-Known Member
spraying can cause water droplets intenifying light BAD idea burnt plants is NOT cool

hopes this helps :)