First grow, need help identifying issue!

Max Powers

New Member
Start off by declaring this is a LEGAL recreational grow in a state that has legalized cannabis cultivation for recreational purposes. This is my first grow; I am a novice, I'm in week 5 of flower and I'm getting some issues and I don't have the knowledge or expertise to diagnose. Please help me identify the issue and the common remedies for said condition. I have made a video that goes into detail on my setup and my issues I am trying to solve. Any help will be much appreciated, thank you.


Nice vid !

You have switched to bloom nutes and this is what happens when you do that. You can not fix the damaged leaves they are gone. You can stop it from continuing by feeding grow nutes.

You are seeing one strain/pheno reacting different from the others, this is normal as well because not all plants feed or respond the same

The leaf curl is not N toxicity but rather mild moisture stress IOW the temp and RH are off enough that the plant is trying to slow its transpiration
Thank you very much for responding, I was starting to think this was a dead forum. So the tip down curling, and the dark green leaves, and the purple/red stems is not caused by nitrogen toxicity? Everything I have red and watched seems to point to to much Nitrogen so I thought giving it Veg nutes would make it even worse. The last thing I want to do is make it worse. Should I flush and start at half bloom nutrient strength? Or should I flush and just use strait water? Or should I just water with some Veg nutrients like you recommended? Just as a follow up; what causes those rusty colored dead spots on the leafs?
Not so much a dead forum as folks that might not take the time to watch a vid but would have responded to pics. Also a lot of new growers here that would not know the answer ?

I did not see any signs of N tox in your vid and I've been growin over 40 years

The red petioles (stems) happen when N is low and is a sign the plant is storin nutes (for winter just like squirrels)

The trick is to use just enough grow/veg nutes to keep em green IOW a low N nute regimen is better than usin nothing but bloom nutes. Most new growers abuse the use of bloom and boosters during flower
Cool, ty vm RM3 I really appreciate it. I figured a video would me much more insightful and contain allot more usable info compared to just pictures, but I will include pictures next time. I wanted to follow up and give y'all and update. I headed down to two of my local indoor garden stores and showed them the same video. The first one I went to said right off the bat "needs more Nitrogen, give it some grow terra and you'll see improvement in three days" essentially echoing what you said RM3. Now the second garden store said not a Nitrogen deficiency but a nutrient toxicity. They recommended just flushing with water for the rest of the cycle since I'm almost at the end of week 6. So two different answers on two different ends of the spectrum. So I think I'm going to try feeding them with Gro Terra (20.20.20) and I'll update my results in the next 3 days. What do y'all think?
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Over fert. Don't give any more. just give water until the end. that soil might have ferts in it already. classic first timer's mistake. you've given too much just because you can buy that stuff in the store. depending on what soil you're using, you might not need to add much.
Over fert. Don't give any more. just give water until the end. that soil might have ferts in it already. classic first timer's mistake. you've given too much just because you can buy that stuff in the store. depending on what soil you're using, you might not need to add much.
I'm using a mix of Fax Farms Ocean Forest and Organic perlite; 3:1 soil-to-perlite.
So now an update. Turns out I had Russet Mites, had to end up tearing 3 of my 4 plants out of the garden. They stopped producing colas and started to get this weird rust orange powder on them. Then in the span of about 24 hours they almost wilted to death. So I bought a digital microscope with 800x magnification and was able to identify that Russet Mites/Rust mites decimated my garden. Then I made a foliar spray out of 100% cold pressed neem oil for my last flowering plant and my veg room. I seem to have stopped the tide of mites eating my garden. Lessen learned; always inspect a clone from an outside garden. Thanks for everyone help :-)