First grow need help quick


Active Member
hi all i just started my first grow i planted 20 durban posion seeds in irish peat 3 days ago and have had 4 up already i have them at 26 degres and 50% humid thats all i know and need help from here please :?:blsmoke:


Active Member
i have them under a blue spectrum eco 125 im really stuck on what,how much and when to feed them all that type of stuff


Well-Known Member
Did you watch any grow vids or read any books yet? If not your going to be running around like a chicken with its head cut off, trying to figure out what to do next. Not the place you wanna be is it?

Your blue 125 thingy... I'm guessing that's a big 125w cfl like an envirolite or whatever you call it. It should work ok for vegging (the first stage) because for vegging it's said that our plants like emphasized blue light. For vegging the light cycle can be from let say 16 to 24 hours of light per day, it must turn off and on at the same time each day so it's good to have a timer. Also it has to be DARK when the plants are sleeping. I do 18/6, 18 hours on and 6 off each day at the same time and it works well for me.

Water your plants throughly and make sure there isnt any dry spots or dry pockets in the soil, then pick up the pots and get a good feel for the weight. You don't need to water again for a few days, pick up the pots and when they feel light they need water and you repeat the process.

Now you need to sit back, roll a joint, and watch some grow vids if you haven't already done so. Don't forget to read the GROWFAQ , use the search, and check out some Marijuana Plants | Marijuana Leaf | Grow Journals to see what other are doing.

Good Luck and Happy Growing!


Active Member
yea im growing in peat soil and i have read loads but they dont tell you what type off food you should buy or whats best to fertilize them


New Member
They dont need any food for a while. You are doing fine so far. You can run 24 hrs at first if you want. I do 18/6 personally. Check the grow faq it will help alot.


Active Member
hi all everything is going ok i think i now have seven durbun up and just planted 3 lowrider 2s has anyone grow lowrider2 or smoked it and dos anyone know how to tell if your plants are getting enough wind thank in advance


Well-Known Member
hi greek for simple growing I found miracle grow 20-20-20 is good then 10-52-10 when
the bud are starting to get red hairs. stop feeding when 1/4 of bud is red hair ( better taste)


Active Member
HI all

could anyone tell me how to know if my plants have to much light or is it even possible coz i think my plants seem to have stopped growing hight wise they have their seedling round leaves an are starting to get there 3rd set of single leaves with no gap in between but 1 little 1 i thought was dieing seems to have come back and caught up with them after i put it in the corner behind the others