first grow need help!

So I'm growin 2 plants in a 2x4 closet my seedlings have sprouted
And are about an inch out of the rockwool I have them under t5 lights
I was wondering
1. When should I put a fan on them? And when they get bigger and I can't
Fit a fan in the closet can I keep one outside blowing in? I have no vent system
2.When should I stop using my cfls and go to my hps?
3.When will I know its ready for flowering?
Plzzzzz help any added advice is welcome thanks guys!!


Well-Known Member
hey man i usually put a fan on my gurls a few days after they break ground, u can keep vegging with your cfls or you can switch to the hps if you want but i wood stay with the cfls as they tend to keep the plants shorter and bushier and you can flower anytime you want depends how tall you want your girls, i usually veg until my girls are sexually mature ie when preflowers show or when i start to get alternating nodes


Well-Known Member
So I'm growin 2 plants in a 2x4 closet my seedlings have sprouted
And are about an inch out of the rockwool I have them under t5 lights
I was wondering
1. When should I put a fan on them? And when they get bigger and I can't
Fit a fan in the closet can I keep one outside blowing in? I have no vent system
2.When should I stop using my cfls and go to my hps?
3.When will I know its ready for flowering?
Plzzzzz help any added advice is welcome thanks guys!!

you can switch to flowering whenever you want. hps is for flowering. always have a fan on. yes you can blow from the outisde..