First grow. need some advice


Active Member
Hey everyone, first time posting on here but I have been browsing for quite awhile and it seems like a great online community. Im currently on my first grow it's a kush clone
I managed to get for free. I vegged it under a 15w floro for the first bit and moved it under two 23w cfl's now the cfl's are the soft white color range I know it's not for veg but
im working with what I have until I get more money. so far everything had been going semi-smooth i've just been using tap water I didn't get ph test strips yet but I let it sit for
24 hours and run it through a brita I figure it must help some but as of last week my plant started getting rust-orange colored spots and almost blue green growth in others along with
some yellowing of the lower leaves. I'm assuming that these are mostly ph issues? I realize I need to get some ferts too like I said just running on a budget here. theres a few pics here if I could
get your input id greatly appreciate it im sure it might have a few problems.
Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
What kind of nutes are you giving them and what kind of soils it in? Could be ph but if your not giving them nutes and have em in shitty soil that could be a problem also.