First Grow - Need some information



This is my first grow,and its just a mid seed from a strain in Texas called "Corn", and from its looks I think my plant looks healthy, But I need to know whether its growth was stunt from switching soil and using fertilizer that I found out was for blooming, but it still seems to grow fast. So could someone inform me if the plant is growing fast or rather slow from the week- to- week pictures. I was also wanted to know wether mid strained plants look more like Sativa or Indica plants and if it can't be described could someone please post me a picture of a mids plant.Here is a picture of it from 3 weeks ago:The plant was only a week old:

1 week.jpg

This is a week later:

And this is from today, not even a week before the previous picture:
2half weeks.jpg

There is a branch starting to form up from the babiest leaves and its starting to grow towards my window to get sun I assume. Thanks for reviewing my thread and if you could leave some feedback, Keep smokin :weed::joint:


Well-Known Member
Sprouts are very tender-- don't need ferts for a few weeks. See those small, smooth leaves? Those are cotyledons, and they are loaded with nutes for the little seedling. The best thing to do with a seedling is leave it alone! Don't change soil, don't fertilize. They do best under mild light, like florescents, as sunlight can cook them if you aren't careful. Just let them develop their root structure and first couple sets of leaves. Water only when the soil is getting pretty dry, and try not to get the stem wet.

You may have stunted the little guy with your ferts. It should already be working on it's third set of leaves.

What you see as a 'branch' is actually the second set of leaves just starting.

Although I don't know the subtleties of the slang in your neck of the woods, 'mids' doesn't necessarily have to do with sativa or indica-- it just means mediocre pot (a good choice to start your first grow with, though). Being that you are in Texas, and the strain is called 'Corn,' I'll hazard a guess that it is a Mexican Sativa. It may end up being a good smoke if you take good care of it and cure it properly.

Other than that, settle in and read as much as you can from the 'stickies' on this site. You'll learn enough to avoid a lot of the newb mistakes. In general, especially for your first grow, LESS IS MORE. If you have problems, it is most likely due to over-watering, over-fertilizing or just messing around with it too much. It's easy to get excited and try to force the plant to grow. Trust me that the set of genes you have there has every intention of growing and producing flowers.


Active Member
ya man dont use fertz the first few week. u shud be using a 1/3 soil/perlite mix. when u transplant transplant into some happy frong/ perlite mix. i personally have good results without using any nutes for veg at all only like kangaroots which i add on week 4 when i transplant into final pot. what kinda lights and whats the wattage?