First Grow/ Not sure if problem/ TH Seeds- Lambo


I'm in my first week of my first grow, and I'm not sure if there is a problem or not......?????:confused:
If someone could help me out with any information that would be great....
Oh I almost forgot, the nutrients I'm using are ( Humboldt Nutrients - 3 part for soil ) Grow, Micro, Bloom

Here are some pictures: ( bottom leafs are turning yellow )


Well-Known Member
looks like an unhappy puppy in the rain, soil is probably too wet and pH may be an issue. Are you feeding nutes already?



Active Member
Instead of watering lightly every day, Give it enough water to get a little runoff then DONT TOUCH IT until its dry to your second knuckle deep.
And I hope you know that by runoff, I mean some water coming out of the drain holes
Could take 2 days, could take a week, depends on the size of pot
But yes, you're definitely overwatering


Well-Known Member
what do you mean no runoff you need holes in the bottom of your container no matter what your growing in thats you problem there drowning get them in a container with lots of drain holes


I guess I have more than one problem then, I've seen people growing out of 5 gallon buckets with no runoff holes...???


Well-Known Member
if you run into problems how to you expect to flush with no holes to let water out not possible my friend if you manage to get the plant anywhere without holes you will most likely get root rot from standing water time to transplant asap


Well-Known Member
oh thats the ones growing with no holes looks fine but not a good idea like i said how will you flush


Well-Known Member
I've read on a couple other sites, its possible if you dont over water
why risk anything tho when a few holes could save you a headache do what you want im just saying you shouldnt stupid idea you will for sure run into probs you are already having probs so i dont think it will work for you


Well-Known Member
do you know what flushing is seems like you need to do some more homework to flush a 5 gal your gonna have to run about 15 gals or water through where is all the water gonna go space?