First grow. Ocean Forest, CFLs vs HPS & general noob-ness inside. Please help!


New Member
Hi guys!

First time grower, long time smoker here. I've purchased fem auto Jock Horror seeds & it's just a matter of waiting now. I have a couple questions if you all would be so kind.

First: I found this link ( for growing autos that was written in 2010 & I just wanted to know how outdated the info was?

That leads me to my next question: based on the link above I was gonna go strictly with Ocean Forest soil but I've read that it should be mixed with perlite & maybe another soil because OF alone can burn the seedlings/roots? Can anyone that's grown autos clarify that?

Lastly, and this probably should've gone first; I was initially gonna grow with CFLs (2 65w bulbs, 4 23w bulbs) but based off amazon pricing I'm seeing that it'll be around $50+ just to set up. I was looking in Up's thread & PJ & Esoteric were pretty adamant that one might as well spring for a HPS set up, so does anyone have any link recommendations? I'm not really looking to spend much more than the 60-80 bucks range as I'm only growing for personal, non-commercial use & won't be growing more than 2 plants simultaneously at any given time. PJ had posted a link but neither he nor FP would actually purchase it themselves so I was a little cautious and just wanted clarification. I also should ask since I'm growing so little is it even worth it to get the HPS?

Thanks y'all! This forum has been a big help in stockpiling information so far.


Well-Known Member
more light = more yield per plant, I think you'd be better off with one mixed spectrum hid, 400w for best but 250w hid will do more for your girls than all those cfls