First Grow on a budget


Well-Known Member
Here is my first grow and set up so far. I thought I would start small with a pot, mg potting soil (I now know this was not the best choice), and one 42 watt (equal to 150watt) bulb. I planted the seeds two days ago and this is what I have so far. Any tips or help would be awesome.:mrgreen:


Looks good.....don't use any fertilizer for about 1-3 weeks. Your young babies don't need it. Also allow the soil to dry a bit before may need to water every 3-4 days. Over watering will stunt growth. Last but not least patience.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Well, you'll defnitely need more lighting. probably 4-5 more of those 42w cfls assuming the 100w per plant rule. and you should give them their own seperate pots, you don't NEED to, but it sure does help.
I agree, I left that part want at least 100,000 lumens for ultimate growth. Best to use seperate pots that way you don't have to un-tangle roots later. Especially if you end up with male plants...that would not be good.


Well-Known Member
I plan on moving them to their own bigger pots soon but I am just not sure of when to do that yet. This was just to start the Growth process. Any suggestions on when?


Well-Known Member
well I transfered one of them to a new pot and everything seems to be going fine. One has four leafs but the other still only has two. Is this ok? shouldnt it have two more ridged ones? Also I bought another light for the other one so I have one light for each, is this enough?


Active Member
I would still go with more light or else its going to take forever to grow. The smaller plant is just not growing as fast as the other one, just give it a day or two, those round first leaves are just water leaves anyways, they'll die off with time.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I had that same problem with a seedling starting mine a couple days ago. Is miracle grow really all that bad?


Active Member
Ya, i don't have any experience with miracle grow just because I heard to stay away from it. I went to my local hydroponics store and bought a bag of fox farm soil and mixed it with perlite. The soil is pretty pricey, about 20 bucks for a decent sized bag, but the investment is well worth it in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Right now you dont need ANY fertilizer!! NONE!! Those lil round leaves have a store of nutes already in them. Miracle grow will only get you so far untill your babies will start asking for micronutrients. See if you can find some fish emulsion, and some blood meal. you dont need it yet though.......wait till those lil round leaves start lookin funny, then use 1/4 strength nute/fert. Most stores, even the Depot carry theese. Go online to search for some GOOD soil ferts. Your two lights are ok for a couple more days, then yer gonna see some stem stretching. YOu need some more light! Lots of it if youre gonna go w/cfl's. Welcome to the hobby, start doing some Lumen output research, you'll learn pretty quick, and so will your wallet!! LOL. Good luck and may your crops be blessed!


Well-Known Member
That fox farm soil has nutes in it that should last for a couple months......dont fert!!!!


Well-Known Member
Well I added 4 more lights, switched the pots and have been watering both with distilled water, also have added a fan. The temp gauge reads 83 and the humidity is 37 percent. Other then that everything has been going fine any suggestions. Should I try to get heat down more? well im off to smoke the fattest joint I have ever seen. :joint:



Active Member
Very nice. I have enjoyed watching these grow they're first 2 days. AMAZING progress over holiday break. I look forward to enjoying this with you.