First Grow outdoor attempt need some advice on some things


Hey there, I'm about to try my first outdoor grow attempt this season as soon as the last the frost has come and gone. I have a few questions regarding soil, due to my location I am limited to my soil choices. I have been browsing around and reading a lot of forums about miracle gro, I've read a lot of mixed reviews about miracle gro but like I said before my choices are limited and miracle gro is really the only kind of soil I can purchase in my town without having to drive extra hours to get something like Fox Farm. I know it varies for everyone because of location and what not, but my question is what kind of miracle gro would be best for me in my area, I live in south georgia. I dont know which type of miracle gro would be best for me between the african violet potting mix, moisture control, organic choice, or the tomato kind.

Also, after I germinate my seeds can I just stick them in the soil I choose and let be or do I need something else for them to get started in and then transplant them to soil of choice? The reason I ask is because I've read on many forums that MG's ferts can burn seeds and seedlings.

THanks in advance for all your help and suggestions


Active Member

1. Everyone has their preferance of soil, I'm in the middle of my first grow and i've been using "Miracle grow moisture control" With a little more mixed in pearlite, My 2 plnts are more than happy in it.

2. If you can, let your seeds sit 2 - 4 weeks in a very sunny window-sil to strengthen before going outside.

3. Depending on where you live, you will need "Organic" bug repellant for the plants, Where I live we get catipillars , gnats, moths, so I picked up this organic mixture called BT, which is a helpful bacteria that not only repels insects, but kills any eggs that may already be present on the plants, The plants need to be sprayed once a week.

4. Dig a large hole. I would say 10 - 20 inches across and 2 ft deep to loosen up the dirt a bit, if you want to fill the hole with MG moisture control, you can do that as well, but you will need like 2 - 4 bags when you're getting ready to per her/them outside. Transplant her / them in there and water thouroughly packing the top of the soil down around her be careful and try not to damage the roots.

5. Because MG - moisture control has such subtle nutrients, you can even add low doses of your own nutes to the water when you water her past week 2 if you decide to keep her inside for a month.

6. Buy at either A local nursery or online or maybe even home depot ... what ever garden store is near you Reputable brands of nutrients for vegetative and flowering stages. I bought Dyna-grow over the internet for veg, it was like 12 $ and tiger bloom, for flowering.

Can't think of any other details at the moment, Happy growing my friend.