First Grow Outdoor Bagseed


Active Member
hello all this is my first attempt at the art of growing. i originally had two its but one died off. its is appx 28 days old. it is from a high grade bad of bud.
i know nothing about nutes but ive put some osmocote brand timerelease fert. and miracal grow every week for the past 2 weeks. any advice would be great. i also topped it before i left town a week ago those new linbs are a weeks growth. is it growing sluggishly? ive been comparing it to others grow journals for reference

i also have 2 other 2 week old plants. one is inside under 3 t5 sunblaster doing quite well. the other is outside and it fell over while i was out of town so for a week it layed on its side and looks like it has been lst'd parallel to the soil.. i dont have a photos of these so ill post em sometime tommorow or day after.

thats a MINI bic lighter beside the plant btw. not a fullsize



Active Member
oh yeah and when do you think hopefully she will flower
i live in NC does anyone know when the sun cycle goes to 12/12?