first grow, pics, let me know how they look


Active Member
very nice!! lookin good so far man!! they look healthier then shit cant see them super close but doesnt look like any damages to the plant!!! good job! are they all getting equal amnts of light, or did you plant them all at different times, i know you said late june but all planted on same day? some look diff i see a cpl strains going on?? bagseed?? well anyways lookin foward to some more pics and yea once again good job! =) happy growing. Smoke One!!


Active Member
thanks man +rep. yeah the smaller ones were planted like 12 days later than the 2 bigger ones. the one in the clay pot is bubblelicious, the tall ones on left were some feminsed seeds i bought but forget what strain, any ideas???? the other two are blackjack


Active Member
using CFL's, soil is my own mixture of MG moisture control and plain soil with no ferts. i feed once a week with ferts.


Active Member
not necisarrily the lights he is using from slowing growth maybe the space. plants will expand to only what they are allowed thats why they say you can get whatever size plant you want, with whatever size you got, with any strain. but lights may play a factor as well not being rude johny partially aggreeing! =) im not that good at pointing out strain but i know alot of people on here are and just keep updating thread and someone may be able to point it out. the only thing i can take a guess on is that the one top left looks more stringy then others ide guess all of them indica of some sort and either pic was taken wierd or that one in upper left is sativa those are rough guesses bro lmao! ide love to see the actual setup they are in with them in it if you get a chance! looking foward will def stickaround for this! happy growin again!


Active Member
here are some pics of my setup, and yeah the pots may be limiting the plants, but thats fine with me.
nice setup bro!! deff a good one! plants look fine once again keep in mind for flowering they will almost for sure double maybe trpl in size so keep that in mind. ima deff pull up a seat and see where this goes and how it ends up hopefully you yeild a a ton of goodies! lol will stay tunes BLAAAAAAAAYZE!!!