My first grow and I am running into a little bit of a problem. I was wondering if someone could let me know where I am going wrong. She's Northern Lights and almost 2 months old in a 5 gallon nursery pot with FFOF mixed with some perlite. I have been letting her dry out between waterings and 2 weeks ago I started to feed her from a general organics go box with the recommended light feeding. The box says ph'ing isn't needed, but for shits and giggles I checked the water before feeding and it's in the mid 6's. Water without nutrients is in the mid 7's. She's growing indoors in a 4x2x7 tent with 2 led panels. The temps are in the mid 70's during the day and mid 60's at night. She was on 18/6 but 2 days ago I flipped her to 12/12. I have noticed discoloration on a few leaves mostly lower ones that aren't seeing much light, and some of the top ones seem to be very glossy looking. Any info and or advice would be appreciated.