First Grow - Red Stems - *Need advice*

Hello, this is my first year growing and I've ran into some issues.

I planted 4 all outdoors in buckets. One was tipped by a passing animal and I thought there was no luck. Last night I went out to water the others, while passing the old plant spot I realized there were several long red stemed marijuana plants where the buket dumped. I am just wondering I put the in new soil and water will they grow? I will update some images soon.

:leaf: Thanks for your time! :leaf:



Well-Known Member
really need to see a pic, i have had a few seedlings with purple/red stems but they grow out of it pretty fast...


Well-Known Member
Had an afgan kush indoors had the same thing, as blaze said mine grew out of it also.


Well-Known Member
First off. I don't think that is a marijuana plant. :lol:
Not to mention most all MJ plants start off with red/purple stem.