First grow set up


Active Member
I got a Top44 seed germinating and I was wondering about how much grow space I would need for this strain? I have a 2x2 foot grow box set up for now for first stages. Im working on a new grow set up to move it after that. Im not concerned about a big harvest, just want some personal buds from my first growbongsmilie. I heard that you can keep your plant small. Lowryder stain was suggested for small grow spaces but how will the Top44 strain do?



Well-Known Member
2x2 is only 2 dimensional,how tall is it?The indica won't grow that tall,you can train and go wide.


Active Member
I retyped it with more information here.

Right now the seed is germinating but is there anything I should add to the soil its going to be planted in? Right now its some nutrient soil for garden mix, I heard theres a bunch of things you can add but im not sure what exactly. What about miracle grow or some kind of compound mix to add to it? What do you recommend?

My current grow set up for 1 Top44 plant.

2x2x2 grow box
1 13 watt CFL (I have higher wattage CFLs ready for when the plant gets bigger)
1 90mm fan
Its lined with a plastic to keep in the smell
Then mylar gift wrapping paper on top of the plastic.
On top of the fan are fabric softeners to help with the smell.

Any suggestions or any problems?


Well-Known Member
.....2 feet high is pushing it even for an indica (6 inch tall pot minimum the plant can only be 18 inches tall)......... also take into consideration the temperature in the little space with all those cfl lights! For now its ok but in 3 weeks you better figure something out


Active Member
Yea I can move it if I need to but someone recommended low stress training so the branches would be tied down and in a spiral and he said I would be ok. Would that work for this plant? I still dont know how big this plant will get. (Or can get)


Well-Known Member
For your first grow I wouldnt want to have to worry about low stress training (believe me this was my first grow) Find a big cardboard box (insolate with reflective material like mylar or refectix which you can get at home depot), get some 3 headed snake lamp from target, a few 26-28 watt cfls (daylight) a pot, some soil, ph tester (vinegar ph down/baking soda ph up) and your good to go!