first grow, soil too dried?


Active Member
Hey guys,

I recently got 5 white widow feminized seeds and put them to germinate, they were fine, then I put then in the small jiffy pots with miracle grow organic soil. These 5 plants are under a 400W MH, in a closet big enough to fit 2 people standing. The light is about 4-5 feet from the soil but yet i keep seeing that soil too dried and i do not want to drown them.


PS ill be taking pictures tomorrow of the problem.


Well-Known Member
pics would be helpful, how often do you water them.....

a good way to gauge it is push you finger into the soil if the soil is dry and inch down, i water


Well-Known Member
To add to the godd advice that acidburn gave you i like to scarify the soil as deeply as possible until i touch roots,then i back off a bit,this gives me a real good idea of the total moisture content of the soil,when it feels dry at the top of the roots i water heavily,scarifying the soil also takes care of any pests that live in the soil,it brings up larve where they cook under the lights.


Well-Known Member
To add to the good advice that acidburn gave you i like to scarify the soil as deeply as possible until i touch roots,then i back off a bit,this gives me a real good idea of the total moisture content of the soil,when it feels dry at the top of the roots i water heavily,scarifying the soil also takes care of any pests that live in the soil,it brings up larve where they cook under the lights.