First Grow Still Alive

2 Months In On My First Grow. Found Out One Of My 3 Is Probably An AutoFlower. Kinda Playing Around Trying To Learn Mainlining With 2 Of Them Went To Far With One Plant And Snapped The Branch And I Also Snapped The Stim After That:wall:. So Thats Why There Is Uneven Growth On One Side Of One Plant. Minus That Fuck Up Everything Kinda Looks Good So Far. Just Taking Everything A Day At A Time Learning As I Go :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
That one is definitely an auto if you haven't flipped. How are you going to handle the different lighting needs? That auto's yield will suffer under the 12&12 that the photos need. She'll still put out, but your yield from her will be better if she stays at, 18/6, 20/4 she may even be able to handle 24/0.
I was never gonna flip the light cycle I was just gonna keep it 18/6 because I have 2 feminized wedding cakes in the same tent anyway so it kinda worked itself out because it will give me more space to let those veg a little more


Well-Known Member
Lucky your auto didnt stretch much, seems an alright setup since it didnt stretch that big your not robbing lights from your vegging plants. Where did you get the seeds?
Yea I did get lucky but I don’t think it’s done stretching either lol , I think next time I’ll only do 2 at a time or atleast get another light . I got ahead of myself but it’s my first time. The seeds are actually mine finding them myself . pretty good top shelf strains with great genes , I have 2 white cherry gelato seeds I will use next