First anybody?


well its my first grow. got 2 white widow regular seeds and 2 bag seeds. under a 250watt MH, grow tent 2'x4'x6',Exhale co2 bag, General Hydroponics Flora nutes (grow,bloom,micro), stanley fan modded, etc... got the seeds germinated and put into rockwool cubes. I got the MH light on 18/off 6 as of now. should i lightly water the cubes or put water on them till it comes out the bottom of the rockwool? grateful for any tips now or in the future. ps... im going for dwc hydro grow. anybody have a nutrient schedule i can use? :weed:
sounds like your on your way to a successful grow! i put my seeds into rapid rooters. the rapid rooters then go into a 3" netpot with hydroton surrounding them, which sits in a tray with more hydroton and water to keep everything nice a moist.


Well-Known Member
If you are using GH nutes go to their web site and click on "nutrient calculator" the rest is easy. Are you using your C02 in veg? You shouldnt use it until flower. If you dont have a sealed enviroment for your plants the C02 is just a waste of money you are just sucking it out with a fan. Just hand feed your plants once or twice a day with a cup dip it in the reservoir and pour on top with in 1-2 weeks you should have roots drinking water.


Active Member
I take it you are going to grow in a dwc set up,I can give you advise. keep your plants elevated,I use milk crates you can add or take them out to adjust you height.this makes taking care of them much easyer and water changes much easyer first grow was a pain in the ass to take care of because they were on the floor.even more so if your not as limber as you used to be like me. good luck


The way I have my fan is... is sucks out the air from the carbon filter, and recirculates the same air with a little fresh air back into the tent. so i would think the co2 would stay circulated into the tent. thanks for the input.