First Grow *UPDATE* (Pictures)

Mr Cannabis Sativa

Active Member
So heres an update on my Sativa plants they have all been in the ground since the end of May beginning of June,

Tell me what you think, Any ADVICE to a newbie such as myself

The one that is starting to flower has been in 12/12 for exactly 3 weeks now (I've been force flowering her) How much longer do you think she has to go, and how much do you think i can get out of her and the others.

I would love to know if anyone could tell me when my other 2 plants are going to begin flowering, I have been told a week or 2. Also if anyone could know if ill make it to the end of the season.

In the seventh photo I'm almost positive that i can spot hairs can anyone confirm this??


Nice grow man, them are some good lookin plants:weed:

Here in Northern Cali its just about time to flower, All of my plants are flowering except 3 and they will all be flowering by the end of the week
So If your hours are close to ours I would say that your plants will start flowering within the next 2 weeks