First grow, Viparspectra xs2000/soil and coir.


Well-Known Member
Ok so this is my first time doing a real grow.

I got a hold of feminized seeds one each of Cinderella99, utopia haze, and triple cheese. Then I got like 10 regular seeds that are layer cakeXchocolate nightmare.

I decided to start with 2 regular seeds and germinated them in little solo cups.


They germinated quicker than I expected and I wasn’t prepared yet so I ran out and got soil and a cheap led. They grew super quick and were kind of stretched by the time I got light on them so I transplanted them into gallon jugs.


At a week after germination I decided to plant another one plus the triple cheese. I wanted to make sure I got females and also wanted to try out different lst stuff.

Now the problem is I didn’t pay attention and used the wrong soil, the kind that feeds for six months. The quickest along is showing discoloration and dying tips but I was told to just let them go and they’ll do ok.


This is today, the bottom two are 17 days and the top two 10 days. Top right is the triple cheese. Unfortunately I didn’t realize it was best to gradually increase the pot size and they just kinda sat around growing roots in the gallon jugs until recently.

At this point I had been reading about other methods and decided to try coir since I have a bunch around for mushroom stuff. I put two more regular seeds in jiffy pods and today the tap root popped out the bottoms so I put them in coir.


I washed and buffered the coir, then flushed it til the runoff was reading about 100 ppm and stuck the jiffy pods into big cups. Hopefully I did everything right, it was way trickier than I had anticipated. Tomorrow I’m planning on mixing up my first gallon on nutrients and doing the first feeding.

I also got a viparspectra XS2000 today but probably won’t be using it until flowering as my cheap led seems to be doing fine for now.
I couldn’t wait and set the xs2000 up this morning.

This thing is BRIGHT. The second it came on I could feel the warmth on my arm, exactly like the sun. According to my cheap little light meter it’s about double the brightness of my cheap led at the same height. :bigjoint:


I’m about to mix up my first gallon of seedling mix and give them their first feeding. Definitely looking forward to getting all this mixture and ppm/ph stuff down to second nature. It feels like one of those things that seems complicated the first couple times but is actually simple once you get the hang of it.
Well second day of fertigation and I have my first screw up lol. Forgot to dilute the mixture and ended up feeding at an EC of about 750. Realized what I’d done as soon as I finished so I fed them a bunch of straight water and I’m gonna go back and feed them the correct stuff in a couple hours.

Hopefully it’s ok.

My older soil plants must’ve finally grown enough roots cuz they’ve taken off the last day or two. Starting to actually look like real plants.

Also the smaller one in the back has four fingered leaves? Never heard of that I’m assuming it’s a mutation and the tiny finger didn’t grow in on one side.

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So far so good, the coco seedlings seem to be doing fine and the soil plants are looking great.


The color looks much better on them and I’m shocked how much they stink already.

I ordered some cbd cheese auto seeds so I’ll be adding one or two of those sometime next week if they come on time.

Looks like it’ll be time for topping and lst soon so I’m about to reread that stuff.
Chugging along. I had the bigger seedling in coir fall over but put a straw around it and it fixed itself right up in a few hours.


I’m noticing the secondary growth is starting much sooner on the newer plants. I’m not sure if it’s because I transplanted the first two or if it’s from fixing the ph problems.

I’m hoping the spots on the triple cheese don’t show up on the new leaves, pretty sure I got everything sorted out.
Ok so I decided to go to a nursery down the street and they had big bags of ffof for like a third of what it cost online. Price was the main reason I hadn’t gotten real soil so I picked that up today.

Came home and transplanted one of the two oldest plants into a fabric 2 gallon and then since I had watered the other plant last night I topped it and then I’ll transplant that one in a day or two.

I put the top into water to try and clone it too.

The fan leaves I cut off the clone happened to be perfect size for this ashtray resin mold I have so I figured I’d make one with the first leaf off my first plant.

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Decided to top the other 4 week old plant and strip the first one down for a manifold since it’s way taller.


Lol pretty sad compared to how they looked before. I’ll transplant the manifold in a day or two to give it some time. The first plant didn’t seem to notice anything, no wilting at all in the new pot.

I also just got my auto cheese cbd seeds and started two of them. Yet another mistake, for some reason I had in it my head that autos were femenized when I ordered and now I have to hope for a female.
Today I decided to try some more new stuff, pretty sure I’ve got just about everything covered now lol.

I super cropped the main stem of one of the 23 day or so plants and then fimmed one of the 12 day old coir plants that’s growing very fast. The other 12 day old I think is dying, it’s tiny and the cotelydons are yellow.

hope you don’t mind some comments.

Looks good for your first grow.

you’re topping WAY too early. You need to let it get a few nodes past what you want to top. Are you mainline one?

I don’t super crop but I believe you’re supposed to do it for a reason. I think you could have accomplished the same thing by LST.

Im not picking on your grow it looks fine. I’m just worried you’re trying to do too much being your first grow.
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No I definitely welcome comments since I’m new to all this.

I’m just trying out all kinds of stuff to get a feel for it, the Mainline one and the topped one both had 6 nodes when I cut them, for some reason the secondary growth took a long time to show up on those two. Probably because they had it a little rough the first week and a half before I got everything sorted out. The shoots on the newer plants started much sooner.

I was going to start with lst but decided to super crop because like you said they both do the same thing but super cropping seems to make everything stronger as well as break the apical dominance so I figured that would be better than lst.

Only one is feminized too so I’m planning on losing a couple when flowering.
I’m not sure how much is genetic, because this plant was big from day one, but at 15 days it’s a monster compared to my soil plants.

Seeing a lot of the pictures people post is making me worry my plants are growing really slow, but I’m assuming a lot of it is genetics based on the variety I’m seeing with mine. I hope at least.

The topped ones didn’t seem to be stunted for long and the shoots are moving pretty good now. I also transplanted the one I’m going to manifold this morning.

I’m not sure if it’s from switching to the good light or the topping, but the secondary growth is really going now. The one I only topped in particular is bushing out. Makes me think maybe I should’ve waited to strip the manifold plant so it had extra leaves for energy.


I transplanted and tied down the triple cheese which is the one with the rust spots, it seems to be doing much better now.

I’m not sure if the fim took on the monster coir plant, it looks pretty crazy though.


It’s cool seeing the two mains on the tops swelling up at the base now.

Today I’m transplanting the super cropped plant into a 2 gallon pot of ffof and the coir plant into a one gallon. The other coir plant looks like it’s barely hanging on and I can’t see any roots in the cup when I take it out. I might move it to soil.

Also my two auto cheese cbd sprouted yesterday


I know a lot of people say don’t transplant autos cuz it’ll shock them but so far I’ve transplanted three times with my other ones and they showed no signs of distress whatsoever so I’m gonna try and maximize roots with moving one from the cup to a one gallon to a two gallon to a three or five gallon, and the other I’m gonna put right into a three to compare.
I just finally transplanted the coir one into a gallon.

The roots on this thing were glorious I should’ve gotten a picture. Just all over the place with a solid 1/3” swirled on the bottom into all the crevices of the cup.

I buried a lot of the stem so it should be good to go now.


I also tried to fim the Triple cheese but did it quick and may have topped it because the growth tip was so small.
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The fimmed coir plant has grown a lot even since this morning, the chopped leaves aren’t a nice rectangle anymore.

I’m not sure what’s going on with the super cropped one, it suddenly turned lime green on top and it’s getting droopy. It’s weird because they all get the same conditions but seem to take turns thriving then having a problem.


The triple cheese is looking the healthiest it ever has. I fed it some calmag the other day so between that and the transplant it must be doing better.

So far I’m finding coir much easier than soil. When I know exactly what’s going in it’s easier to diagnose. Plus I haven’t had any problems with it so far, it’s kinda like cooking and just following a recipe with the nutrient schedules.
Everything seems to be looking good. After the transplant the biggest one has perked up and seems to be getting come color back. Now my main concern is the very edges of the leaves on the manifold plant are turning up. Idk if it’s calmag deficient or what but I gotta look into it.


The big coir plant didn’t seem to notice the transplant, it was a little tough figuring out how much to water it in the new pot but I think I got it now. About 30% of a quart seems to be good.

I have no idea what to look for with the fim but it’s spreading out the cut leaves now. It’s almost time to do the last top and train the manifold. The topped plant is bushing out a ton still. Really hope I get females.

Decided to do some lst on the super cropped plant since it’s looking healthy and starting to get a knuckle.


I’m starting to think I need to plan the ties better to not obstruct the shoots or anything.

Just started training the manifold tonight.


Both the autos had decent roots all over the cups so I transplanted one right into a two gallon ffof. Gonna leave the other a few more days then move it to a one gallon to compare growth speeds and see if transplants really stunt them.
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Today I cleaned out the closet and rehung the light to make it easier to do this and have more room.


Took them all out in the garage and watered then waited til the runoff stopped dripping to put them in these tubs. I’m thinking about maybe putting the pots in plastic bags then filling the tubs with wet perlite to help the humidity which has been 16-20% lately.

I’m keeping the temps mid 70s to try and help.

I also topped the big coir plant today because the fim looks like it failed.


I just took the top node off which sucked cuz I wanted to see the 9 finger leaves.

Just adding this a few hours later after they all perked up from the water.

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