First grow: White Urkle, Kali-Kandy, and Skywalker OG Flowering Day One.


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First night in darkness for the girls, Kali, Urkgal and Lucia, after 1 plus months in 24/0 in Veg Tent. Temps 65-75 45-75%(raining), target 50% or less. Running 250W HPS(Vertical), 130W Cfl(top down) in a 4x4x6.5 tent. . . april 21 2012.jpgView attachment 2135320View attachment 2135328FlowerTent(4x4x6.5).jpg
Ms. Urkgal was FIMed 8 times from her 12 plus stalks, watered(thirsty about 25ozs no drainge?) , clipped down. Thinking 22-25 stalks which will be fun to bend and manage through grates. Ph 6.7ish
Kali was thirsty also, watered, FIMed, clipped. Lucia Skywalker drank much water/molasses, her FIM cut is growing out nicely. Took 2 Sky clones and another White Urkle, have 7 topping them both. Time for patience, stay on feeding schedule(foxfarm), and watch.


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Day Four. . . Busy re configuring both rooms. The Veg Room is looking nice as is the Flower tent. I added 8 Larry Og small clones to test the sprout to sprint hormone fueled stretch I have heard about. The White Urkle is bushing, the Kali-Kandi getting tall and branching. Was to late for pictures of Flower Room so here is the bullpen. Blue_Dragon.jpg


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FlowerDay-7.jpgFlowerDay7.jpg250w HPS vertical, it caved my two cheap poles in the tent. The ballast/light combo weighs too much to hang. I have a 600W MH/HPS with ballast separate if I need more light. Overhead, 65w(15) CFL above Kali and Sky, 65w(15)Eaglelight LED grow RB hanging over Urkle. thinking about the 45 or 90w Led, a UFO type of light. Trying to keep elect costs down as I am accounting for every paperclip in cost per g. I am going to account for the initial tent, light, food, etc, etc, and all start up costs upfront, first batch may not cover. I am a business analyst researching the real cost of growing one's own medicine. I am taking so much less pain meds, anxiety meds, and eventually want off all but minimum amounts if any. Quit drinking last June and have lost 50 pounds. I do love a few cold beers, they hate me. . . :-0


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Is anyone out there? LOL. Found about 8 mushrooms in one pot, read it is as a good sign. Pulled them and am lowering humidity as was 75(recent rain) , now 45-55. Want 45% RH in Flower Room. i read that feeding half "suggested" quantity not only improves budding growth(they are not fighting ferts overload) but both yield and quality. Sounds like a plan. Check out this site, I am sure you may have. . . . Letting plants grow, no watering today in the Flower tent due to mushrooms, damp soil, and RH. The RH is now perfect, 48-55. Veg plants are doing great. Will be taking large clones from Blackberry, Blue Dragon, Plat Buba Kush, Sour D, Fire and Tahoe OG's which are looking good. Will post pict next time and would appreciate critique, advise, and comments. Thanks,


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Day 13. . . Light Misting of Neem and BT for Kali, Sky and White, the first and only neem,(fingers crossed), misting. I will reapply BT in 5 days to get the eggs/kids/pests. Took a clone from Kali-Kandy and found a bonus!! An Alpha Caterpillar that looked like the bottom of clone root, light gray, also saw a few mites running around. Plants look good? Check out White Urkle, have clones vegging for the next run. Read that it can take 64 days to finish. I thought it was 45-55. No sweat, the way this lady grows, counted over 25 bud heads maybe 30, she can flower as long as she likes. I will wait for the last 20% growth spurt gasp from a desperate lady, and harvest at 50%+amber, so no rush here. . . Peace Out. Pictures: whiteurkleday13.jpgWhiteUrkle-Day 13.jpg


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Adding three vegging plants to the tent for a total of 6, CA legal amount(overturned due to unconstitutional limits by CA Supreme Ct).v The Blue Dragon is a MONSTER. Flushed her today and found large major tap roots growing thru small holes, time to re-pot in a 3-5 gallon container.c I FIMED her and her she isBlueDragon-Before-FIM.jpg Before and after. . . BlueDragon.jpg The Blackberry Kush and Platinum Bubba will go into flower tent in about a week. . . BlackberryKush.jpgPlatinumBubbaKush.jpg Peace Out. . .


Active Member
Switched from HPS to MH on the 250W for 2 days, back to HPS tonight. Read the ladies tested HPS vs. MH during flower. The plants in middle, between lights, did best. Maybe another 250W HPS/MH, so heavy when ballast is built into light. . . Journal: Feeds: 3 Grow Big, 3 Big Bloom, 2 Tiger Bloom, Molasses, Cane Brown Sugar, Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydroxide, Thrive, ;-) on week eight of the Foxfarm Soil Feed Schedule and feeding/using less than they recommend, like shampoo, less is better. The White Urkle will come in first, I think, then Skywalker and finally Kali-Kandy upon which I will wait 95 days on if she is still going strong. Hung fly strip and Co2 gassed the room with sugar, water, baking soda, and yeast. @L bottle and check out my Co2 gas heightener, upside down plastic gallon jug with bottom cut offon top of the 2L jug. Raises level to leaf level before CO2 pours out. smart? Took out after 24-36 hours as do not need a fungal jungle, LOL Setting up the 240 CFM duct air exhaust with carbon filter to take out hot air. No stink yet but it's coming, also have a Living Air ozone generator for a blast every 60 minutes for 30 minutes. Also will come in handy while trimming. peace Out.


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bDay-28-trim.jpg Trimmed the older, obvious shade leaves and watered with 1 tbs molasses, 2tbs Brown Cane Sugar, 1tbp Bat Guano, 2 tbs Tiger Bloom, Organic ACV, Thrive. . . Room is staying between 38-50% RH. One way to tell its time to water is when drops to low 30's. At 110 degree 38% at 88 degree 45% at 75 45%, steady in the 35-55 range, except morning dew, Kanyon Grown.


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Day 32/14. . . Fed both Flower and Veg. Installed air scrubber, please let me know how to silence/quiet down this thing. . . Is this config going to work? or should I have the fan at top. Did it this way to max filter, starting to smell sweet. . Scrubber-Exaust.jpgDuct.jpgDay30..jpg I incluuded some other pics. Mountain tops showing dusting of snow. . . Day29-KaliKandy.jpgDay29-WhiteUrkle.jpgDay30-PlatBubba.jpgDay30..jpg Found the ingredient" in Sledgehammer Flush and others, Yucca Extract. I have drops for my first final flush(of the plants) in about 3 weeks. . .


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Day 38. Conditioned soil of bloomers with this mix: 1 gallon distilled water, 3/4 tsp Apple Cider Vinegar, 1/4 tsp Yucca Extract, 1/4 tsp of Open Sesame, Beestie Bloomz, and Cha Ching!, ph 6.5, tested on two and this morn they are great, will post pics later, Day 35. . . day-35.jpgday-35-.jpg. . . Window of harvest opens on day 45 with White Urkle but should go 60 days. Opinions?


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Day 39. . . I am waiting on new CFL lights to be delivered. I will have 2x85W and 2x65W Flowering on two Y hangers on TOP and 250W HPS Vertical. [h=1]2X Full Spectrum Light Bulb - ALZO 85 watt CFL 5500K - daylight balanced pure white light - 4250 Lumens[/h]2 X Full Spectrum Flowering Grow Light Cfl Bulb 320w Output 2700k Red Grow! for total of 170+130W, 300W=640&850W or 1490W TOP, 250W side. What do you think of this setup? Thanks for the comments, no problem commenting in this journal. . . Peace


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Added a new girl, June, to the flower tent today. June is a Larry OG shooting straight up, new growth sprouting and I intend to grow a 1/4 Pounder Cola. We will see. Have 274 CFL above producing 1250W(85w x2) (26w X4)hanging CFLs and 250W HPS Vert. I watered the flower room with molasses and Mascave sugar before lights out and fed Veg full Nitro-rich meal this am.


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Day 40 pics, room set. Lights and ventilation: 240 cfm inline over 470cfm scrubber out the top/fan next to filtered intake vent,(right front),top and bottom zipper opened to vent if needed. 2x85W CFLs, 4x26W, CFLs, output= 1250W, waiting for 2X65W Flowering CFL to replace current 2X26W. 640W+200+850W of output, 1690W on top, 250W HPS on side. Well fed and watered. It is time to enjoy the weekend. . . Pics. . . Setup6-2-12.jpgWhiteUrkle-day40.jpg21st-BirthDay!PlatinumBubbaKush-Day21.jpgSkywalker-Day40.jpgPeace Out!


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Tools, methods and products. Is this organic? Fox Farms Trio, GB/BB/TB-Fox Farm-Bud Trio OS/BB/CC, water with ph of 6.5, soil 6.8-6.9. 70% Kellogg s Organic Soil, 20% Perlite, 10% BatGuano. Two or three gallon containers after rooting/veg in Rock-wool, Veg-24/0 and Flower 12/12, 250W HPS Vertical and 1250W CFLs on top. I water and feed with 1 tbs Molasses and 2 tbs Mascavo Sugar, drop of Thrive, Organic Apple Cider Vinegar to ph down, Pests: Neem once before flower, light misting, BT at least twice in Veg, have yellow/blue pest monitor traps, Fly strip in each. I have more, on deck, but alas the Zen of the garden disallows illness and most pests. I like to Veg as long as possible, my plants also enjoy vegging, waiting for the current residents to move so that they may make the move into the Ritz. Am I growing Organic? The cures I have up my sleeve are all organic and safe. It is OK with me if you post in this grow journal. I respect that you have not, but ask thatwhen you see a ?, feel free to offer tips and advice. . . Thanks