First grow XD


Well-Known Member
They're not too bad :clap:, but could use some more light possibly...what do you have them under?


Active Member
very nice colour, but I agree with sworth, maybe increase the light. If you have a decent grow area hell maybe even throw in a dual spectrum, 1 6500k and 1 2300k


lol well I'm currently using a flood light and its pumpin 120w or somethin like that. i know i should be using an HPS but im broke so thats for next crop :P water is properly ph'd though and my soils pretty decent. i have a secondary light but its some high efficency bulb that apparently is loaded with lumens. I should prolly jimmy rig that one up too eh?


Well-Known Member
Perlite has to be mixed in with the soil. Too late for yours unless you re-pot it into a decent soil mix.
What soil is it?


some generic "organic" potting soil. but ive added stuff like worm castings and some yummy ol' guano... was told to add molasses to my water mix for extra nutes. and was told to throw some worms in my soil. Havent done either yet... what u guys think about those ideas?


Well-Known Member
:leaf:Good start. Worm castings yeh, but I don't know about worms though.
Some organic nutes, when she needs it; right now it's light she's wanting I reckon...:leaf:


i was always told that if u have worms in the soil it helps make the roots stretch, and they produce castings. healthy worm= healthy soil. ive got some 15-30-15 nute stuff, but ive researched that i shouldnt use that till its flowering. what kinda $$ hydrowise am i looking at /month if i do get an HPS or MH?


Well-Known Member

  • "..what kinda $$ hydrowise am i looking at /month if i do get an HPS or MH?,,"

    Sorry? lol
    • :confused:



what kinda increase should i expect in my hydrobill? im on a 19-5 light cycle currently cuz its not the best light lol. but if i get an HPS then its definately gunna shoot up a bit... how much hydro would one HPS run me?


Active Member
what kinda increase should i expect in my hydrobill? im on a 19-5 light cycle currently cuz its not the best light lol. but if i get an HPS then its definately gunna shoot up a bit... how much hydro would one HPS run me?
I actually had a guy break down the pricing on hydro by like the wattage and hourly usage. Ill try and find it for ya.

But organic soil, the best. Might not have to worry about perlite it should retain its moisture quite well and keep your babys happy