First'll like the pics...close to harvest???


Active Member
Hi guys...just lookin for some feedback...its my first grow(be Gentle)..ok here we go..
47 days 12/12
Plant strain: Unknown(got off a friend who didn't want to grow)
Light: 400w HPS
2x 70cfm fans(one in one out obviously) 1x small fan on the floor pointing up for extra movement.
Hempy Vermiculite/Perilite

-How close am i to harvest?(which i know is difficult to answer..just a guesstimate would be super)
-Am I going to have to harvest top colas first wait a week or so and harvest lower nugs?(And i think the answer is yes..)
- If you look at the pics its seems as new clusters of white hairs are sprouting..can anyone explain whats happening?
-Any suggestions for improvements?


Thank you in advance for any/all comments/answers...

Love this forum..have learned 90% of what i know from it...and it has lead to my success thus far!!! thanks to all the amazin contributors for their time and effort in helping us new folks...wanting/needing to grow!!!! Grow on team...Grow on!!!


Well-Known Member
Looks like you got a few weeks left. Just keep checking those trich's until they are where you want them. You can def harvest the top nug first, and wait to harvest the rest. It's called selective harvesting. Lots of strains will show new white hairs right up til harvest time. Don't worry about it. Now for suggestions. Your girls look a little nute burned there. I would give them a really good flush, and then water with plain ph'ed water for the rest of the grow. What are you feeding them?


Active Member
Hmm interesting...i'm feeding the Plant Prod 15-30-15..I honestly don't think its nute burn...granted i'm no expert...but it happened so gradually I think my plants are pushing the flower and letting the leaves die off due to end of life cycle..isn't that what happens?!? leaves die off and bud tightens up?


Well-Known Member
You are correct that the plant does let the leaves die off , but it yellows out and dies gradually. youre pictures above show your plant nute burnnned or a build up of nutess and need a flush .



Well-Known Member
I am no "expert" either. But have grown out more plants than I can remember. They don't yellow like that. 15-30-15 might be a little too much nitrogen for this late into flower. Or like mofoo said, could be a build up of nutes. Either way I would flush.

Nothing I say is personal, just my opinion. We all do things differently.


Active Member
hmm...ok thanks..i flushed hard two days ago...and i watered again today with straight water...I think i'm gonna run straight water till cuttin guys think thats ok?


Well-Known Member
How much did you run through them, and what size containers are those. If you did a good enough flush then yes I say you are good to go. If you only ran like 1 gal of water to each 1 gal of soil then you need to do a better flush I think. People say to run 3 gal of water to 1 gal of soil. Don't quote me on that though. You only need to ph the last couple of gallons.


first off ..honestly for a first time your doing great

-How close am i to harvest?(which i know is difficult to answer..just a guesstimate would be super)

your plants look to be in the final weeks of flower judging by the trich's (crytals) they are fully formed (stalked and have the bulb at the end) its hard to see thier coloring but youll want to wait until most of them are milky white and some amber..also just look at the plant in general your buds should be full and dense and most of the hairs dying off (turning brown)

-Am I going to have to harvest top colas first wait a week or so and harvest lower nugs?(And i think the answer is yes..)

this is a personal preference q you can harvest over time depending on strain taking the tops first and allowing the lower buds to get more light an fully develope personally I dont but I also grow more larger plants at once so the smaller buds I turn into hash

- If you look at the pics its seems as new clusters of white hairs are sprouting..can anyone explain whats happening?

this is your plant continuing to grow even tho most strains have a "window" for harvest time i.e. 8-10 weeks, your plant since it is not reciving the pollen from a male is constantly pushing out new calyx's and stigma in order to try and create seed since the plant is annual and wont live thru the winter into the next year and so on. The 8 week window is usually when the trich's on the plant are at peak ripeness, meaning the plants ideal time to be picked based on the resin glands THC/CBD content. most growers pull there plants when the trichs are milky white and turning amber. This again is personal preference more clear trich's have higher THC ratio as amber trich's the THC has begun to breakdown and more CBD is present. THC is generaly a more uppity high while CBD is your medicinal knock down couch lock

-Any suggestions for improvements?

Best thing you can do is find thread on here with pictures and detailed grows, where the grower comes out with a good harvest and quality buds, this way you can follow along and learn the tricks they use and pick up on any info you may not have atm. I can suggest greg greens medical growers bible a very good read for newer growers..other than that experince..and possibly some better nutrients, If your looking for quality over quantity go organic..a simple way to grow organic for newer growers is using Medi-One its an all in one nute for flowering and veg same bottle and its realitivly cheap ecspecially if your only growing a few plants a gallon will last you quite a while..and you'll come out with some great buds


Active Member
HAHA...thanks everyone for your input...I think I'll be doing a selective harvest as I don't think I have a choice, my top colas are for sure gonna finish before the lower stuff..thanks for all your input..i'll put some more pics up later this week and let ya'll know how things are progressing!! Best new hobby ever..i'm thoroughly enjoying this game!!