First Grow. Youngrich


Active Member
Hey i have 3 :leaf:plants:leaf: outside. about 2 weeks old, going to be outside 24/7 now i hope they stay alive

how do my babys look?:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah it all starts with a seed......

lookn good!
If i was you id start by camoing the pot an cut a spot to hide em in the center of those bushes. If you cant hide em u cant keep em lol.
Put some Mulch over the top of the soil in the lill pot to hold the water in alot better, or go with 5 gal.
Thats all i can think of laters
Good luck grower be carefull


Well-Known Member
hey rich are these your snow whites??? and your pics are a mess!!! cant you arrange them so they arnt all over the place?? some are upside down lol