First grow


Well-Known Member
Hi all, correction to my previous post, its 4 weeks old and was planted from seed in an organic mix (not MG as i previously thought) also think the wilting on the first set of fan leafs is due to going away for 3 days and letting brother water (drown) it. Im thinking of leaving it dry for 3 days then carrying on with giving it half an eggcup of water first thing every morning. Also is this in the veg stage? and when should i expect it to move onto the flowering stage? baring in mind im not using any lamps just as much sunlight as possible, does that make a difference to when it will start flowering. Also i repotted this plant today in the pot in the pictures i thought it would be a good idea to sieve the soil so it was very fine and filled the pot with it and replanted it in very lose soil (not patted down) as i have read somwhere this is a good way is this right or not, also i have noticed the top leafs wilting badly tonight but im sure this is down to the plant relocating itself. Any feedback is much appreciated or if im doing something wrong please let me know so i can rectify the problem
Thanks in advance



Active Member
you got quite alot to go , dont mess with them just leave them in a window with the most sunlight throughout the day. water them when the top soil feels dry apart from that nothing you can do but wait. 2 months worth of vegging at least and then dertermine the sex then when you think there tall enough cut the light down to 12light/12dark to start flowering. count down atleast another 6-8 weeks