First grow


Active Member
Hello friends! This will be my first attempt at an indoor grow. I have done a bunch of research online, and in local grow stores. Man there is a lot to take in, but for this first one I’m going to try to keep it as simple as possible. The clone store here locally suggested Fox Farms Ocean Forest soul, as that is what they use for their new clones.

I picked up a few bags of the fox farms, 6 one gallon pots, 6 five gallon pots, and my clones last weekend. The clone store had limited selection at the moment so I ended up with the plants below.

2 - Vintage Pakistani
2 - Kings Banner #8
2 - Too Buku #22


My tent setup is as shown below.
4x4 tent
Cloud line t6
Vivosun 6 inch carbon filter
Mars Hydro ts3000k
2 small fans

I’m running everything in my garage where it stays around 75 or so, so my temps in the tent stay around 78 or so, but I haven’t seen them go over 80.

After I brought the clones home, the girl told me to leave them in their small cups for two days. I did that, and they were looking good. They had watered them the night before I purchased them, and said they water all their clones at night. After 2 days, I transplanted them over to the one gallon pots. I did this off of the recommendation of both the clone store staff, and the grow store staff. But I’m not sure if I shouldn’t have left them another day or so. I watered them in with around a cup and a half of water each, but they have been slightly droopy since the transplant. Last night the tops of the soil were beginning to feel dry, so I checked with a moisture meter that I had purchased, and they looked to be at the low end of the “moist” range. I gave them another cup and a half of water, but that wasn’t enough to have any runoff, so I wondered if I didn’t water them enough. My water pH stays around 7.2 from my kitchen sink, but I’m wondering if I need to get a different tester, as the electronic one I bought seems odd to me, but this is the first time I’ve used one.

I’ve read that overwatering is a very common mistake, and I’m hoping that what I have going on, because they are looking extra droopy this morning. I’d love to hear any feedback good or bad, I’m going to be learning for a while so any help is appreciated!

So I’ve been checking the moisture of the soil for the last few days with the one knuckle deep test, and it finally seems like they were ready for some more water. I wanted to give them enough to get some run off, so I moved up to two cups of water per plant, and did get a little run off from each. That made me feel good about my drainage.

The plants have looked less droopy in the last couple days after I transplanted them. I’m starting to see new growth as well. I havebeen reading up on lst and topping, but I’m not sure I want to do that before I move them to the 5 gallon pots. Does this much growth down low look normal for clones? Thanks for reading, and any advice you might have if you see me f’ing something up!


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I checked my light earlier and it wasn’t turned all the way up. I assumed it would come from the manufacture as high as it could be. There was probably less than a quarter of a turn of the little screw on each ballast, but it got brighter than I thought that little bit would be. It also brought my tent temp up to 81.
I also noticed these yellow spots on a couple of the plants while I was in there. Best I could tell after googling for a while was that it is Septoria. I can’t figure out where that could have come from, I wiped everything out before I started, so I thought I had a pretty sterile environment. Anyone see a different prognosis, or have a good suggestion for clearing it up? F91BC7B2-6A1A-4657-81B5-B443BE3D1B2A.jpegFBA66057-B38B-4358-A821-981A3728AC63.jpeg
I noticed that my humidity levels were down around 30%, so I added a humidifier to the tent. It brought it up to around 40, but I wanted to get closer to 60 so I turned down my exhaust fan. That seemed to do the trick, and now my temps are right around 80, with right around 60% humidity. It seems like the right spot to be in, but I’m a little concerned that I’m not moving the air through the tent enough. My 6 inch fan is only on level 2 to keep the temps and humidity there, so I might have to turn it up.
I did get them all moved over to the 5 gallon pots today. I’m hoping after a week or so they will be ready to top/fim , and put the net out across the top. 591581A9-CE5E-48EA-93B8-504B69B79CF3.jpeg
Well my humidifier almost screwed me up. I hadn’t read anything about tap water and humidifiers putting off hard water deposits, so I learned that the hard way. My sock on my carbon filter was fully clogged, but it was white powder so I couldn’t see it. I probably killed some of the life of my fan, but live and learn. I’m trying to just keep extra water in there to keep the humidity up now. The plants are doing great though.
I started heavy sixteen nutes and they have loved it. I took some clones, and put my net up last night. They had already turned towards the light this morning! I’m stoked, because they are looking pretty good, just hope I can keep them going.
Made me a little box to put my nute jugs in from some scrap wood I had laying around. The girls are coming along. Switched them over to 12/12 on Monday. Still need to add some support poles and tuck everything in on the sides.162999DE-146D-4A21-9A23-92BABF373C1C.jpeg2FE2B7B1-F841-4AB0-9686-C5AE8D58A6D2.jpeg535A25D6-71E9-48E7-A5FC-C43BF825A0CF.jpeg4F4B1BCA-19BE-4B58-82F2-A663F7CCB99D.jpeg
Looking good man! Definitely a little bit of overwatering at the start and transplanting early but looks like you got things under control. Doing a great job for a first grow.

I’ll pull up a chair if you don’t mind :bigjoint:
Looking good man! Definitely a little bit of overwatering at the start and transplanting early but looks like you got things under control. Doing a great job for a first grow.

I’ll pull up a chair if you don’t mind :bigjoint:

Right on man, thanks. Wasn’t trying to be rude, but it didn’t seem like there was as much interaction as I’ve seen on other forums that I have posted on before.