First Grow!!!


Active Member
Story dudes? this is my first grow and it's a lil' bit of a experiment. the grow area is a closet in my place. It's nice and white inside. Only using 3 florescents (3x100w all putting out 1200 lumens each). Don't think this is enough to veg though. I'm already about 3 weeks into the 12/12 cycle and the results aren't great to date. Lots o bud forming but not substancial sizes. Guess i haven't got a lot o big buds to look forward to. Any constructive advice or general thoughts would be appreciated!



Well-Known Member
you need moor lights and get them rily close and on the sides to as thay are strechin. i did a grow with 8 of thoes lights and it was not to bad buds on them


Active Member
Thanx dudes. To answer one question they are cool floros. I'll get some more and stick them all around her! Hey it'll beat buying a xmas tree when it comes to it! Normally the lights sit just about an inch off the top but i moved them to get a good pic. thanx for the positive feed back. Can you tell me how long into the flowering cycle did the similiar grow produce results?