First Grow :)


Active Member
Just started my new hobbie and LOVE IT. Ok So i didnt germinate the seeds :( i have a solo cup filled halfway with soil put 5 seeds in and added water and put under direct light of a 60 watt soft white bulb. Its Been like 4 days and i havent seen anything :(. I am germinating a couple seeds now in 2 moist paper towels in my dresser. I made a lil setup in closet in a *toap.* I am very new to this so i wanna know what type of light should i get is this toap giving my baby enough ventilation. Only one cup in their so far but once these seeds sprout i will add another. Very new to this any tips would be appreciated. I basically no nothing TY SO MUCh


Well-Known Member
hey Z, welcome to your new hobby man :D
first off, beans can take a lot longer than 4 days to pop, so be patient, but am i right in saying that you have 5 seeds in the same cup of soil? this may well be a problem when they sprout, as the roots will probably become entangled before you transplant to bigger pots - i would put them in separate pots asap, and put a clear top/dome (not airtight) on the cups to build humidity. mist the inside too.
is the 60w bulb an old fashioned household incandescent type? if so, it's useless, so ditch it for an @20w energy saver, cool white - they are great for seedlings, i use 1 bulb per seedling, an inch away from from it's plastic dome, but i'm sure 1 or 2 bulbs would be enough to get 5 cups started at least.
as for the papertowel method, it's tried and trusted but i always plant seeds directly to soil, whatever the plant - never been a problem, just dont plant too deep and keep it warm and humid.

and what is this "toap" thing?
hope this helps a little


Active Member
Lol it Does.. A *Toap* is this plastic containter that you put cloths in. You think i should take them out and replant b4 its 2 late? Also How can i tell fluorescent and incandescent lights? I brought some from walmart yesterday they were 1 dollar so they probably arent the right ones. Light part is confusing


Well-Known Member
flouro's are the funky bent glowing tubes ones, incandescents are old fashioned round bulbs with filaments in the middle, if it's a 60w household bulb it's prolly incand. so get some flourescent energy savers - they cost next to nothing most places, just make sure to get cool white (@6500c colour temp iirc).
i personally would deffo transplant to separate cups, and as for the toap, there are heaps of grobox designs in these forums for converting that box.
Like all us new growers, you got a heck of a lot of reading/asking/experimenting to do, but i get the feeling yer gonna enjoy it ;-)


Well-Known Member
Hey man, I really suggest you check out the FAQ section, maybe even buy a grow book to help you on your way.