First Grow


Active Member
This is my first grow, at first they were fed Shultz 20-30-20 and grown in Miracle Grow. I used 6x 4ft Fluoro Tubes 240watts (19/5 hr lighting) to grow 4 Plants, topped 4 of them about 3 days before starting 12/12 lighting. 1 Died on me, and other 2 were male. left me with 1 female to go in to budding. its now under a 430 Watt Son Agro Bulb, I was considering attaching a flouro fixture with 2x 4ft bulbs (2700K) would this help at all? I was planning on mounting them on the side of the room to get more light on the side of the plant. Plants are being fed half Miracle Grow Bloom - 15-30-15, and half Schultz Bloom Builder - 5-26-5. and are just over 2 weeks in to flowering. I wondered if the dropy ends on the leaves were from a possible Potash defiency or maybe Ph havn't checked it. The potting soil its in, was new for budding, went 30% Perlite 70% Regular Potting soil (ph 7-14) any suggestions or advice would be appreciated. I have no real idea what kind of strain it was or if its a sativa or indica?

Here are the pictures



Active Member
It looks pretty good so far. How long did you vegitate for?
It went for 2 months under Flouros. but I had alot of trial and error that set me back. couple nute lock outs and I accidentally used 2700k's to2 weeks in before switching to a mix of 6500 & 5000. 3 of each mixed.