First grow


Active Member
ok so im doing my first grow and in my current situation i can only keep 1-2 plants because of people comeing over and what not i dont want them just sitting out right in the open with a mass load of plants. I sometimes have family stay the night and would rather them not see it. any ways, I have about 30 bag seeds im germinating papertowel method, had them on the cable modem wrapped in a hoodie but got scared of fire and put them in a nice wooden cigar box in a cabinet. What i plan to do is grow as many as germinate and pick the best female i have and either give the others away or trashem. So my main question is if i put the sproutlings in flats will i be able to sex them before that becomes to small a plant or will i be better off puting them into cups untill i can sex them? thanks a ton. :peace:


New Member
you cant sex them until there smaller plants you cant tell if there just sprouting put them and cups and let them veg