First grow


Hey guys so ive decided to try my hand at growing, ive never grown anythin in my life so this is gunna be a journey :p. Anyways so ill tell yall about my setup im doing outdoor grow, i started with 1 bag seed( i just planted more yesterday and i germinated this time) i didnt germinate this first one, its about a month old i believe is sativa-based although i cant be 100 on that till flowering i blieve. I started it in a plastic cup and dirt from the yard, wish i would have know we had potting soil but oh well wat can u do lol, i had just recently transplanted to a plastic pot with some better soil in it so that should help.. anywho i got some pics so i can show yall what im dealing with
This is it about 3 days after planting

and here is one at about 1 or 2 weeks

I had a minor set back at about 2 weeks when it got a yellow dot in the middle of one of its first leafs the the end started to die i think it was a ph problem but hopefully the new pot n soil will help

Hers from this morning

I would love feedback to see what u guys think so far, criticism always appreciated :D



Active Member
Hey Hodgins, welcome to RIU.

Your plant looks nice, It looks like she stretched a little bit. No biggy, Next time you transplant into a bigger pot just bury her a little deeper (about 1 inch from the bottom leaves) that way she will be nice and sturdy

what are your temperatures like where you are at? you have to be careful of these winter temps

any way you could bring her indoors until winter is over? all you would need is a couple CFLs (you can get 4 or 5 for $10)


Well i personally would love to have it inside but for family reason i cant :( and so far we have rarely broke mid to low 60's im actually thinking of building kinda like a dog house to deal for them while the winter is going on. But from what ive read up on since i started late in the year then the overall yeild shzould be great since the veg stage wont end till june or july this year when daylight savings starts, correct me if im wrong:p... and a easy question when would it be safe to start topping or trying to fim?


Active Member
wait until she has at least 3 Sets of leaves to top/fim. In other words, three sets of the 3 finger leaves (you don't count the very first leaves it had from a seedling)

Let her grow at least another 2 sets of leaves and then she will be ready to top


Cool cool, thanks.and about the stretching is that going to turn out to be a problem in the future or not, we get alot of wind here so should that help with it?


Ahh alright, thx for the info :) n i just got some cfls from the depot and they put out 800 lumens is that alright?


Well-Known Member
Looking good. Just give it at least 16 hours of direct sunlight every day until its time to flower, and replant the stretched stem asap.


Well-Known Member
It IS looking good! Great job -- remember your first grow is all about learning. A positive (and smokeable) outcome would be great, too, but the learning is the more important thing. Take a good look at your plant right now -- the leaves are a healthy color, appropriately hydrated, perky, energetic. You always want your plant to look like that, like a healthy plant. If your plant starts looking unhealthy, then snap a picture and show it here for input. Only in the last few weeks should you see any leaf yellowing and drying. And that's a long way away.

Don't fuss with too much water, or too many nutes. Simple, simple, simple. Look out for pests. And good luck!


I had transplanted it about 2 weeks ago when i had the "problem" with yellow leaves but i dont want to transplant to much and put it thru alot of stress and lower my chances of female:( it is bagseed... and yea i usually go out in the mornin and do a folial spray on top and under leaves , i dont have to worry about the soil cuz nature is being good to me :D.. i dun plan on using any nutes, ill prolly use them for first time when i get my indoor scrog going ( in the making atm )
Thanks for the support guys :) and on a side note should i start lsting right about now? I think that it is sativa n from what i heard n read sativa get really tall n i cant be having my child popping up over bushes to say high to the world lol


Well-Known Member
Still in the cups?
Mix some soil and perlite again, and just add it to bury the stretched stems, to almost the bottom of your lowest leaves.


Only a seedling still in cup, but i dont think he will make it... BUT i have goooooood news my first plant just showed me its first 2 pistils :D will give pic just to be sure( u gotta zoom in on the pic to see but they are right at the second node



Its for sure pistils cause i also noticed that it has a few more by the new growth coming out of second node ill try to get some better pics to show what im talkin about


Yessssssssss what are the odds of this happenin first try grow and with bagseed lol, but i dunno why sex is showin so early its only a month n a few days old and still vegging, but oh well i guess this is good then :)