first grow

Colorado Sam

New Member
Just approved by Dr. for my red card. MML in Colorado. Using 3 gallon buckets because I already have them. Pro-mix with the fungus, and using " Age old grow" as fertilizer. Fish solubles, feather meal, sea weed extract, and micro nutrients. Rated at 12/6/6.
Got an advanced LED 100 for light. And was gifted a Glow-Panel LED which is alleged to be 45 watts. But has a label saying 28 watts so who knows. It's light is more orange-red. The advanced red is more towards a violet red. But the plants are very happy for both.
Now the seeds are from the same source as the gifted panel, also a gift. And they had the seeds so long, they didn't know what kind or where they got them. But better than nothing. Not knowing how many would germinate threw a bunch in plastic cups hoping to get some to use. Well they all sprouted. More plants than pots. And law allowing 6 plants, picked the best to my novice eye. From reading on here, they seem indica. And doing very well to this newbie eye. Will post pics, when I figure how to. Any and all help greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
3 gallon pots are going to be a detriment. Use at least 5-7 gallon pots if you want a robust plant.