first grow


New Member
To start off I just want to say I live in florida. This will be my firsr time growing in pots outdoors. I am black mesh 4 gallon pots with handles, my grow spot is in the middle of a forest and the sun is always shining on my spot. I was thinking about starting to grow in mid february since the weathee here is still relatively warm 60-70 degrees during the day and mid 50s at night. Would it still be okay to start early in the season, will it send my plants straight into vegging stage then flowering for a short time. I'm growing an auto feminized strain and a feminized strain, both indica dominant. Also, can I germinate my seeds indoors then directly plant the seed in the pot outdoors directly? I cannot grow indoors or in a green house whatsoever btw. Any info is appreciated, thank you.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm... Here is my two cents.
Consider the risks of getting busted first. I don't know the florida laws.
Consider that animals and bugs love mj so your plants might not make it to harvest.

You should germ inside under a few CFL's in solo cups. Two to four 25 w cfls is fine. 18 hrs of light.

The auto will do what it's going to do and will be ready for harvest in around 70-90 days.

The photo will likely veg until next fall since by Feb they days are getting longer. It will be a monster by then. It will have likely outgrown the pot. It could possibly go into flower though, then back into veg until fall. I don't know how that will all play out. It depends on the strain and how long the days are.

You should allow your plants to adjust to the intense rays of the sun by placing them in the shade for a week or so before putting them in direct sun.

All in all I can't help but wonder what would happen if you just planted the auto. Could be the best way to go. Maybe someone else has some thoughts. It should technically veg for three weeks and then flower outdoors with no problems.


New Member
There's no way for me to grow the plants indoors at all. My plan is to germinate until tap root comes out then plant directly into a pot. I'm not too worried about getting busted, I have 90 acres of farm land. The strains are northern lights for the auto and pineapple chunk feminized. So since the days will be getting longer 8n February I should be alright to plant? Also how will I know if my plant goes back into veg, are there certain signs I can look for? As far as wild life goes, I havr set up chicken wire and put bear urine all over the place to ward off any critters. The soil I am using has enough nutes for a whole year, will I still have to use fertilizer?


Well-Known Member
The non-auto will want to go into flower right away, I would wait until the end of March so you start them with >12 hours of sunlight. The auto should do ok, but will get less energy from less sun and not get as big.


New Member
Ok, right now our days are about 10 to 11 hours long. What is the deal with giving plants 12 hours of sunlight? Is the timing that crucial?