first grow


Active Member
Hey everyone I'm kinda new to this place and I thought I'd share my first grow with you guys. The seeds are from random middy sacks I bought over time. I planted about 20 seeds and only kept the best few. They're in soil pots and I have used no fertilizer except for two nitrogen sticks in each pot. I have been using two 48" flourescent phillips plant and aquarium tubes for the vegging stage. They're about five weeks old and just yesterday I switched in a 400 watt HPS light and began their flowering stage by cutting the light from 24 hours to 12/12. That light generates a lot more heat than I thought lol it's like a damn sun in my closet. I think the top leaves on one of the plants got burnt and on another one they started to curl a little bit. I just moved the fan onto a box so it will blow against the light and divert the heat away from the plants. I also raised the light a little. I'm planning on buying some big bloom from fox farm soon, I've heard that works well for flowering. Any pointers you guys have would be wonderful. Oh and ignore that plant on the back left that was a headies plant my friend started growing and fucked up pretty bad on it haha. I'm trying to salvage what's left of it.


Well-Known Member
can you figure a way to vent your closet to the outside? that will help you with keeping the temps down and control odor.


Active Member
I could crack the window in my room but not much else I can do. I'm in an apartment on the first story.


Well-Known Member
then you need to try some diy solutions. two i've read about - freeze water in multiple 2 liter bottles, put one at a time in front of the fan and you have a cheap airconditioner. other idea - create your own swamp cooler by hanging a hand towel with the bottom in a pan of water and place that in front of your fan.


Well-Known Member
you could also buy a 6 inch inline fan from homedepot and the air ducting. Now can you leave the door cracked and run the end of the ducting pointing outside the closet...? Also...if you could find one...I think homedepot sells a half ass air condition, that uses water and ice. I have no idea what it's called, but it looks like a portable air condition and you fill it up with water/ice on top. It suppose to cool down the brother has one and it works pretty good for not being an air conditioner...good luck dude...
