First Grower...1 week old seedling PICS!!!


Active Member
aight so this is my first everyone else i did some research on here before going out and getting my supplies... this wasnt a big grow, just a couple plants as an experiment. So i germinated my seeds using the paper towel method, and waited till the seed actually started to sprout in the towel. Then just planted, added a little water with my 42 watt, and 2 23 watt daylight cfls, and VOILA!!! The pics show my seedling after 1 week from being planted, and is probably about a couple inches now. The experiment is going well I assume, but can any of you guys provide any feedback on my baby. What i could do?? is it looking alright? or just some moral support would be greatly appreciated....thanks



Well-Known Member
looking nice and healthy the soil looks a bit dry, dont spray water on the leaves |(just a tip) as it confuses the plants and also can burn the leafs with the light beaming on it.... good luck with your experiment hope you enjoy :)