first guerilla grow need some questions answerd!!


k first guerila grow all ready got good hidden spot have underground pipes for water running couple of bildge pumps and a 12v pump i can run them off car batterys.
have a 5x2 metre hole its about 5 foot deep made it big cause its clayish ground have 25 bags of chicken manure and water crystals for it all ready sprayed for pests around the area its has barbed wire fencing around it and ive orderd some de-ter just incase

how many plantS do u think i could fit in the hole the plants each being about metre?metre nd a half tall?

what else should i use as my grow medium is 25 bags of chicken manure to much or to less? any other suggestions i was thinking peat moss and vermiculite for drainage and shit cause of clay ground underneath but what kinda dirt shod i mix with manure cause dont wanna use existing soil i have the equipment to get everything out there so yer gimme some ideas on the perfect medium :D bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I have heard peat moss will be a good idea to add, If you havent already maybe you can add some gravel in the bottom of your hole, this will be better because the clay isnt very good at drainage if there is a lot of rain. The peat moss will help hold water. You will need to make sure that you only put in female plants into the hole because if they could be male then you need to pull them and you will have take out all the roots of that plant without damaging the others otherwise there will be root rot. You can also add worm castings to your mix, I have added it to mine this year.
You should have minimum 2 feet away from each other, 2.5-3 would be more suitable.

someone else

Active Member
Hey Buds, sounds like you already put in a lotta work! I know a lot about digging in clay (see grow log below) and am hoping you have a better luck at it than I did.

I would use a mix of potting and top soil for your base dirt, peat moss & perlite for additional water retention, and maybe some lime to balance out the pH in your mix. I would look into buying a pH meter so you can get the mix just right. That manure is gonna make things a little acidic and could cause some problems in the future, which is why I was thinking a little bit of lime.

Just a thought.

Even this late in the year, your plants are gonna get bushier as the season goes on. My plants are at about 1 1/2 - 2 feet tall, and they're already starting to take up space in which I have to move them in their buckets for more space every week.

So in saying all of that, maybe you could fit 4 healthy plants in there. That's still kinda pushing it, but plants at 2 feet tall should still be doable in 5x2 feet. You could maybe do more if you LST the plants, so that they get enough sun. I might recommend that anyway, but who knows how tall they're get in the end, so I'd stick with 4.

Good luck brother, and look forward to seeing pics of how you do it!

PS: I'll second what Alex said above me: don't waste time/effort/soil on male plants if you can help it. Use clones or feminized seeds.


Well-Known Member
I would think that you would want to put more than 4 in for all that effort, you said that they wont be very very big plants so I would put 2 rows of 5. The longer you can veg them and doing some LST as someone else said (get the pun :D) you can effectively cover the area with mostly equal buds because of using the sun efficiently

someone else

Active Member
Yea, you're right.

You could probably work two rows.

If they're gonna be small plants anyway, you could probably do 10 plants all together.

I guess I'm just stuck in the mode of the plants growing 5+ feet, where 4 plants would probably be just the right speed for that size hole.


Well-Known Member
I perfer compost manuer, I amend it with a few things and all I have to do is water it no need for feeding...


bongsmiliewell i was thinking like 100 cloness cause i was doing clones any way atleast they will be female because we have a camoflauged netting and setup with camo gear and ghillie suits and near there where doing one humongouse female organically theres better ground there 2 and about the ph thingy i already done tests its 6.5 so all g :) but would 100 clones be good cheers for the replys to guysbongsmilie