First Guerilla grow!! Need sum questions answered.


OK. So this is my first outdoor stealth grow. I've got a good location. It's thick woods and no one, and I mean no one, goes there.

I'm going to have 1-2 plants out there. However, there is the issue of wildlife. I surveyed potential spots several days ago and found a giant gofer hole. Deer are also a big problem in my area. I need to know the potential threats wildlife poses to my girls.

If anyone has any helpful tips, tricks, or suggestions they would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Peace

JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
they will eat your shit for sure. deer love da erb. I have used a combo of three things, Human hair in the area will help along with Moth Balls. and if you can steak it off with a little bit of chichen wire that would be good too.


Active Member
don't forget the squirrels man!!! if they see you, they will watch you then, 5-10 mins later when your gone.
there they are diggin holes everywhere, lookin for wat you just burried.