First Harvest Advise

20180402_115909.jpg Hey riu,

Im at day 42 of a recommended 60 day cycle, wanting some advise about timing, trichs and pistils.

Majority of the buds pistils seemed to have started to get thinner and begin darkening over the past few days however i also had a ph issue at the same time. Could this be affecting the pistils or is this just the natural way they change?

One buds pistils seem to have completely darkened way ahead of the others. Is there any reason for this or any reason to worry? Also is this good opp to take a taste test cut?

Lastly im not sure if i need a better camera or more practise but is anyone here able to see the trichs and where they are at in the pics?

Cheers in advance all!

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Well-Known Member
Like an apple or Orange fruits (aka buds) will ripen at different rates depending on where they are on the plant.
Your plant seems to be doing great, wouldn’t worry about it. Also wouldn’t take a taste test till you 5-7 days away from trimming. It’s not useful, and the bud is way to premature to give you any real details.
Good luck growing!