First Harvest - Is This Bud Rot?


Long story short, I chopped down my plants yesterday, got up this morning and went to pull the densest one apart and found fluffy white mold on one of the buds. I have sense pulled apart every bud on that plant in an attempt to quick dry it and salvage anything I could. It was clearly mold, but was it bud rot?


I threw away the moldy bud, but I want to know if I can save anything else from the plant that looks like this: 20191110_194159.jpg 20191110_194209.jpg 20191110_194223.jpg 20191110_194233.jpg

That white stuff looks like mold in the pictures, but it doesn't rub off like mold or do anything else to indicate that it's mold. At this point I'm planning to let these buds sit out for a couple days and see if anything changes. And just fyi, I worked all day sterilizing my entire basement.

Any advice is appreciated.
I think you have both mold and mildew. I would throw away anything that doesn't look like good green bud and dry the green bud as quick as you can. I would dry fast for the first 2 days to keep any remaining mold at bay then slow it down. I actually put my salvage weed this year in a food dehydrator and dried it in 3 days. It came out better than I was expecting.
Did you do any foliage spray or mite treatment to them or anything where you got buds wet? Reason i ask is i had a bout with mites and was treating plants to try and salvage what i could and buds started to rot