First harvest triches/pistils


Well-Known Member
So where do I start? So many questions and so many conflicting answers from everyone.
This is my first grow. 3000 watts hps 100 square foot room with 9 large plants( vegged a little too long for the sours) I have five bubba x Og kush and four east coast sour diesel..
I threw one of the bubba ogs (bogk)into12 12 a week earlier than all the other bogk's and that plant is the particular plant I have questions about.
So the bogk is supposed to be a 60 day strand. I'm at day 40 since I've flowered them... The pistills over the last two days started amberibg really fast! On a few of the tops pistills are about 90 percent amber. I bought a 100 x micro scope and looked to see if the triches were cloudy or clear or any starting to amber. They mostly seamed cloudy to me. A few clear and no amber.
I plan on doing a 10 day flush before I harvest

So these are my questions ...
1. At what percentage of cloudy triches should I start my flush in order to chop them at the desired ripeness?
2. Where on the bud am I looking at the trichroms.. In the colas pistills or on the cutting leaves around the bud??
3. Knowing that this strain generally finishes in the 60s should I start a 10 day flush around day 50? Or is it all about the triches?
4. And lastly I'm using the day one of flower as the the first day of 12 12 I've read that day one of flower doesn't start untill pistles show which would mean im really at day 33 of flower...

I'm going to attach pics of this plant. I know I've asked a lot so any answers or opinions are welcome thanks for your time ...


Well-Known Member
So these are my questions ...
1. At what percentage of cloudy triches should I start my flush in order to chop them at the desired ripeness?
2. Where on the bud am I looking at the trichroms.. In the colas pistills or on the cutting leaves around the bud??
3. Knowing that this strain generally finishes in the 60s should I start a 10 day flush around day 50? Or is it all about the triches?
4. And lastly I'm using the day one of flower as the the first day of 12 12 I've read that day one of flower doesn't start untill pistles show which would mean im really at day 33 of flower...
1- That ones personal preference, I go for about 60-75% amber. IMHO Go until at least 40%
2- EVERYWHERE, Then average it out... (X+X+X+X=Y, Y/4= average)
3- For me its all about the trichomes!
4- I count nights instead of days, from night 1.....


Well-Known Member
3000 watts in a 10x10...... I want to see these plants
These are from two weeks ago...First four pics are ecsd and last one is bogk I had to bend my sours over side ways because they be 7ft off ground And my lights are7 ft off the ground So I threw a half asses chicken wire set up over them to keep them low. I plan on removing it once the room is cleared and I'll scrog them much earlier Still lots to learn .



Well-Known Member
1- That ones personal preference, I go for about 60-75% amber. IMHO Go until at least 40%
2- EVERYWHERE, Then average it out... (X+X+X+X=Y, Y/4= average)
3- For me its all about the trichomes!
4- I count nights instead of days, from night 1.....
60 -70 percent amber triches?? Then flush??


Well-Known Member
Majority cloudy triches, with some turning amber. If im not mistaken, thats 'the bees knees' point - clear is developing, cloudy is prime, and amber shows a degradation in some of the compounds found in the triches. I could be wrong, still very new to growing myself :) just what I have read, and what I have followed so far.

I started flushing like two weeks prior to harvest xD So right when I started really noticing things clouding up, I went pure water and waited till the end. Hung them up after harvest for four or five days, then jarred and burped for another week. Have had the jar closed up since, and everything turned out great!


Well-Known Member
what you said seems to be what the majority or people follow... So you begin your flush before even seeing any amber just a lot of milkyness. And hope that it begins to amber by the end of your flush.
So I'm at day 40. This strain is a 60 day. And i think getting pretty close. So for a 10 day flush I'm going to flush around day 50. Depending what the triches look like. I guess I'm a little worried that I might wait too long and have to much amber before the end of my flush


Well-Known Member
what you said seems to be what the majority or people follow... So you begin your flush before even seeing any amber just a lot of milkyness. And hope that it begins to amber by the end of your flush.
So I'm at day 40. This strain is a 60 day. And i think getting pretty close. So for a 10 day flush I'm going to flush around day 50. Depending what the triches look like. I guess I'm a little worried that I might wait too long and have to much amber before the end of my flush
I just want to preface this again by saying im a new grower myself, but I wouldnt stress too much during the flush. Even if you are feeding only water for a week or two, its not going to really hurt your girl.

One other tip I have is to keep an eye on the leaves your plant has. Near the end of the plants life you will notice a change, they will begin to look sort of like they are on their way out. They will start to yellow, or change colors a bit. I noticed that, so around that time I started using my phones camera on full zoom to take the closest pictures I could. Just zoom in further on the picture once its taken, and that should give you a little better idea where your plants are in their life.

Anyhow, once I noticed the shift in my foliage I started my flush and kept taking pictures. You will always have clear triches since the plant pumps them out all the time, but you should start to see all three stages once its time. The clears will turn cloudy, and the cloudy ones will turn amber as they age.

Im with Walter9999 on your girls though, your plants still look very good. Just keep on going how you are and watch her - you should see the change in foliage, but if not you will be able to tell once you start seeing amber triches!


Well-Known Member
This is supposed to be fun :eyesmoke: As in, it will be par-tay time bongsmilie So as Rentaldog suggests, don't stress the flush. Yes, you will have to judge when to start flushing, if you wish to flush at all. But if you mess up, it's not like you'll ruin your crop. The big buds look to have at least 2-3 more weeks, as Walter they can fill out. So no need to rush into flushing, just yet anyway.

Rentaldog is also correct about how the plant will change appearance. It's giving up it's last energy for the next generation (be it buds or pollen). Check some of the stickies in the Harvesting and Curing forum to see pics of "done" buds. Them be some dead lookin'

The color of trichs, when you chop, is totally up to you. A higher percentage of amber trichs (to a point), the more of a "couch-lock" high the buds will give. Some folks like mostly cloudy and 10-20% amber. Others like more or less amber trichs. There's no right or wrong here. Just personal taste :weed:

You have some great looking plants! Keep on doin' what you been doin' and you'll yield a bumper crop :leaf:

Good luck the rest of the way :peace:


Well-Known Member
By the pics, I'd say you have a month or so left...the buds are way to airy yet and need to fill in much more...g/l
Yes your right. The plants with the larger buds ecsd is an 80 day strand supposedly. So there only half way there so I'm thinking another 5 weeks. But I'll keep an eye on there triches anyways. Very happy for my first grow. Other than one of my sours that I accidentally caused nitrogen toxicity almost two weeks ago... I flushed her twice but I haven't seen any more growth and the yellowing and curling seems to be slowly spreading throughout! A little upsetting because she had so long to go and she has 4 monster colas about half the size of a two liter bottle just frozen in growth. With so much more potential .But hopefully she pulls through. These pics are from almost a week ago. It has since spread. Is she locked out?? Or should I do another flush. Like a monster flush. I did already 3x the pot size. Twice then went back to med feeding maybe I should try again??



Well-Known Member
Yes your right. The plants with the larger buds ecsd is an 80 day strand supposedly. So there only half way there so I'm thinking another 5 weeks. But I'll keep an eye on there triches anyways. Very happy for my first grow. Other than one of my sours that I accidentally caused nitrogen toxicity almost two weeks ago... I flushed her twice but I haven't seen any more growth and the yellowing and curling seems to be slowly spreading throughout! A little upsetting because she had so long to go and she has 4 monster colas about half the size of a two liter bottle just frozen in growth. With so much more potential .But hopefully she pulls through. These pics are from almost a week ago. It has since spread. Is she locked out?? Or should I do another flush. Like a monster flush. I did already 3x the pot size. Twice then went back to med feeding maybe I should try again??