First harvest


Active Member
well I cut my 2 ladies down. Only got 2 1/2 oz's but it is a start and they are good nug's even if they're only the size of popcorn


Well-Known Member
sounds like you need to get that light closer. how did the buds come out? is it a good smoke? well anyways man congrats dude...


Well-Known Member
how many nodes did you have?
how far apart were the nodes?

just trying to see how i will end up doing


Well-Known Member
Hey that is how we learn. I have done the same. Look at it this way at least you didn't lose the entire crop to disease. Even a little bud is better then none.

Now the tough question did you learn from your mistakes? I'm still learning.


Active Member
Well here::blsmoke: my earlier post:

Advice sought:

Well here goes, this is my first grow I've had go to budding and did I make mistakes.

First I just grabbed 10 seeds from a recent purchase and dropped 'em in a small tray with some
potting soil and left em alone (except for daily watering) outside for 2 weeks. Boom they all
sprouted, so I transplanted 'em to 3 gal pot and moved 'em to I sunny hillside out in the boonies
(aprox 6/14) and tried to get back and water 'em once a week. Well time passes
(2 months, 8/1) 2 start doing real good getting to about 24", 4 die, other 4 are marginal. I
decide to move to indoor, take a room with a SW window facing and move the babies there, the 4
marginal 1's recover somewhat for a while but I had not added any light and 2 passed away and 1
of the 2 good plants sexed out to be a male and got the instant axe but the other showes female,
so I'm down from 10 to 3 plants.

By this time I'm getting discouraged, start reading different fourms on "HOW TO GROW" and
brainstorm on a growbox. Now having a good knowlege of construction and a mess of tools,
I get 10 sheets of plywood (4x8x 1/2 @$6.00 ea ) and 20 - 2' x 4's ( 8' @ $1.87 ea ) and start
building. It turns out to be 4' x 8' x 8' tall, divided into an upper ( 5') and lower sections ( 3' ).

Now I start on lighting it, I read up on lights, the 400, 600, 1k, HPS, MH, HID, Flouro's, compact
flouro's, Incandesents till my eyes bleed. I'm floored by the price of the HID's, so I start looking
around and thinking of alternates. What I find was still costly but I think will give me more
mileage for the $$$. At Lowes I found a 150w HPS for $88 ( case, reflector, balast ), got 4 of
them and mounted 2 in each section in the topmost corners centered on the 4' walls at about a
45* angle, then added 7- 4' 2 tube Flouro's w/ 40w plant blubs ( 1 on the ceiling, 3 on each wall
about 2' apart ). The lower section got 2 - 4' 2tube w/ 40w plant bulbs on the ceiling (that I
attached an old set of mini-blinds to (w/o the blinds) as an ez-height adjuster) mounted dead
center. This gives me a total of 26.8 w per Sq ft in the upper and 13.1 w/Sq ft. Each 4' 2 tube
fixture was $9 , 40w plant bulb $5 ea, and needed 4- 8' power cords for the HPS's $6 ea.
Finished off by painting the entire thing inside and out with a Flat white latex and added a
4x8 linnoleum remnant ($23 ea) for a water resistant floor and a Temp/Humid gauge to
each section, a timer and 2 power strips and TA-DA the new house for my babies is done.

I move my 3 into the upper section and set 'em for 12/12 and start on a feeding of Fox Farms
Grow Big, Tiger Bloom, and Big Bloom, and a supplement of a 12-55-6. I also try starting
36 seeds in a floating hydro tray. A week passes the 3 are responding to their new place
nicely, the tray only sprouts 5 of 36 I find i need a heating mat and had several that the
medium had washed out of the cups ( 50-50 vermic/perlite). Need to re-think germination
process. I transplant them to 16oz cups of soil.

Went away for a week. HORRORS....came back to find 1 of the 3 to be a male w/ OPEN pollen
sacs, DOH!!! while cutting it down my arm bumps and I see a cascade of dust go pooofffffff.
In an effort to make a bad thing good, I take him to the kitchen , get a ziplock bag, shake, and
store his boys in the freezer. The good news is the 2 have both sexed out Fems and are
doing fine. The 5 are doing good, make it to 10", I move 'em to the flower chamber (12/12).
I start another hydro tray of 36.

Two weeks pass, DUDE I got buds!!!!! Named the 2, Alpha grows to 48" and is bumping the
roof, Bravo is only 30" but both are showing buds everywhere, somehow I think pruning
means to remove most of the sun leaves so I do ....DOH!!!! Of the 5, 1 is drooping badly,
1 is 12" and is a lady, trans to a 3 gal pot and move both back to 24/7, ack 3 males (they bite
the dust). Again of 36 only 5 sprout. Abandon hydro germenation. Trans the 5 to 16oz
cups w/ soil.

Two weeks pass:
Got a seedling kit (tray, dome, heater), soaked a batch of seeds for 24 hrs, dropped 72 into
dirt, lightly watered covered and placed in the lower chamber (24/7), Trans the 6 in cups to 3
gal pots. Took 2 cuttings from Charlie (the 12" lady), used rooting powder, and poped em into
16oz cups w/ soil. Switched off feeding neuts to Alpha and Bravo now on H20 only, going
to harvest in 1 week,

And that brings us to date.

Monday I'll be harvesting Alpha, I expect 60-90g. I'll take about 2/3 and try to regen in 24/7 for
2 week and then take 10-20 clones from it. Bravo looks like a sativa has lots of tiny buds and
all of the hairs are still white. Both have a few seeds but not as bad as I thought they would.
Have been charting Temp/Humid, and will be adding a bath vent fan (65 cfm) and a vaporizer
to each chamber since it holding at 90*F and 40% humidity.

Well thats my story, enjoy, and any thoughts/advice will be welcome.


Active Member
but to answer some of your questions they were 4 ft tall got 4-8 buds about the siz of a silver dollar, super stinky( got em in a zip-lock and then in a tupperware container and you can still smell it).

still learning.

I cut the ladies I harvested I'm trying to rejuve, left em about 1ft tall w/ 10-20 of the popcorn buds on the branches.

Then I got 15 others at various stages from seedling to about 1 ft tall,


Active Member
the best part is my location,
I'm more than 10 miles outside of even a small town, the drive to the house is 1/4 mile long and the closest neighbor is 1/2 a mile away.

choice huh?


Well-Known Member
You have done your homework. Amazing how much of this stuff you learn the hard way. At least that the way it is for me.

You sound like you have a nice set up. Would love to see some pics.


Well-Known Member
OK, first off, congrats on harvesting anything. What promted you to move them indoors? Sounds like you have the room and privacy. The sun works pretty well and is cheap enough. did you use nutes or what? What medium? Sorry for all the questions but you have a substantial investment and if you wish, we'll help you increase your take next time.