first indoor grow..autflowering plants in hydroponics


Well-Known Member
hey all. im getting into my first grow.. im growing easyryder, pakistan ryder and dutch passion seeds tundra #1. i have them started under 2 18'' fluorescent bulbs, and i have a 450 watt hps for the rest of the cycle. so far it seems like my plants are behind in i am almst to day 21 and the first one is only about an inch or so tall. i am growing in hydroponics, i have 2 Waterfarm Complete's which are a drip system. i am wondering how tall the seedlings should be before moving into the hydroponic setups and also what the best light schedule will be for flowering these plants. anyone that has experience with a similar setup or with autoflowering plants please help. thanks a lot/.


Well-Known Member
you can actuall just leave them on 24 hours and they will flower by themselves..

I would do 18/6 to save some energy

Illegal Smile

I think 24/7 is better for autos. More light = more energy = more growth.


Well-Known Member
I also have a tundra going as well, it will be cool to compare. My caregiver grew one and the bud was AMAZING, best bud Ive had in a while.