First Indoor grow CFL 5 week bagseed

Grayson Chance

New Member
Hey folks, this is my first grow. I am posting to get some tips and get some questions cleared up!

I decided to get into the growing business when I thought why am I paying for something I can grow myself, and here we are! I managed to get myself 4 seeds of some strong bagseed from an oz I bought recently.

Getting ahead of myself, thinking growing was an easy art to learn.. I planted two of the seeds in miracle grow slow release nute soil with clay pots. Surprisingly these tough girls sprouted and managed to grow fine until 3 week, although not much growth, when I ran into nitrogen deficiency. Managed to salvage them, and trimmed some affected lower branches.

After reading a heck of a lot, and realized I was effectively killing my precious babies. I then since moved them into 2 gallon smart pots, with organic soil and 30% perlite, and topped. I am now on week 6, and will induce flowering in the following days.

Question time:
I picked up hydro gro foliage and bloom, although am reluctant to add it to my plants when I know some slow release nutes are still in the new pot, stuck in roots and didn't want to disturb... what's your guys opinion on adding some liquid nutes, if any at all? Also at what strength?

Secondly, is my set up, with 4 60 watt CFL's on two plants sufficient light?

Lastly, since I am new to growing, was wondering if my girls are sativa or indica dominant? And how much growth to expect with flowering? Pictures attached

One more thing, just found out both plants are female! Yippee!!!!
*Also it's watering time for them, plain PH'd water, if you noted the leaves a tad droopy*



Well-Known Member
Not going to be able to tell you the genetic origins of your plants but a few things first:

MG with slow release nutes isn't really popular for the slow release reason, it tends to be too hot and burns plants that aren't being planted for long term. Most of us here have a 3-4 month grow time so the slow release MG isn't so great. MG does make an organic soil mix called Nature's Own you can pick up for pretty cheap if you need an MG brand soil, assuming you might not have a hydro or grow store near you.

Now you said your plants are in organic soil? You probably won't have to feed them at all for a little while. Most organic soils grows are as simple as water and let them go. You can add in some nutes but I'd wait 4-5 weeks before doing so to ensure your plant has finished up slurping the nutes out of the organic soil first. When you do go to feed with liquid fertilizer I always start at 25% strength. Usually such a small dose want harm the plants and can help but I'd ask around a little more before adding anything.

And 4-60W's could be enough if you were to LST your plant a lot after topping. A SCROG actually suites CFL's best because you need to keep the lights so close to the plant to work. Speaking of which CFL's do need to be within a few inches of your plant to be effective. Literally two inches if you can help it.

Besides that just keep growing and learning.

DON'T BE AFRAID TO TRY NEW STUFF. For real, if someone on here can't give you a good scientific reason not to do something then try it for yourself. Shit if you think you can beat science try it for yourself. Experiment with different lights, mediums, and methods until you find what works for you. We got users on here that grow with T5's and kick fucking ass with their frosty nugs and you also got plenty of HPS users who grow big magnificent plants as well. I started with CFL's myself and my first grow with a single 125-W CFL got me close to half an o off one plant and that was a plant I didn't even know how to care for so just imagine how things get going once you know a thing or two. Never stop trying man!

Grayson Chance

New Member
Cyrus, thanks for clearing some things up! I am not really expecting too much out of this first grow, but I think getting a greenthumb may be my new hobby!

I will definitely keep you guys updated on my growing, and if I come across any problems. Thanks again for helping me out guys and encouraging me, always good to have someone to cheer you on!

Grayson Chance

New Member
I put my two females into flowering close to a week ago. On one of the plants close to where I topped it, a strange growth is coming out of it! It almost looks like a teeny stem with a baby leaf or two.. not exactly sure what I am looking at and would love a second opinion! What the heck am i looking at?



Well-Known Member
Three answers one question...

A1- Mainly indica strain.
A2- Its not showing sex yet, if there was only 4 seeds in the ounze theres a very strong chance its a feminized seed and good chance its female.
A3- Plant needs more light and with that maybe some extra ventalation, choose your style follow that path, plenty pic threads on what to expect from each one.

Q - What soil is that, looks nice n fluffy (name and brand). Free draining high porosity soil that holds water well is priceless in this hobby.

Grayson Chance

New Member
Three answers one question...

A1- Mainly indica strain.
A2- Its not showing sex yet, if there was only 4 seeds in the ounze theres a very strong chance its a feminized seed and good chance its female.
A3- Plant needs more light and with that maybe some extra ventalation, choose your style follow that path, plenty pic threads on what to expect from each one.

Q - What soil is that, looks nice n fluffy (name and brand). Free draining high porosity soil that holds water well is priceless in this hobby.
Thanks for the reply! I have multiple female pistils on nodes now on both plants since I switched into 12/12, I consider myself lucky that out of 2 plants both were female! So I got that going for me! Since the original pictures I moved location into closet with some mylar and added more lights and have more incoming. Amazon prime is so flipping useful when growing!

Soil is simply a miracle gro product (I know, I know) but I was more than happy with how nice the soil was. The name is Nature's Care organic garden soil, do not have too many grow shops nearby so I picked it up at a walmart!

Also picked up a box fan and a small 5 inch battery fan for ventilation! Any advice or tips are always appreciated too! Thanks for following my grow!
Pictures of updated grow and 1 week in flowering!


Grayson Chance

New Member
How long ago did you top it? Just looks like a bud that broke dormancy.
I topped it on the 13th, so 13 days ago! I noticed it earlier but thought it was a female pistils forming but turned into that! Not sure if I should just keep it or chop it off.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply! I have multiple female pistils on nodes now on both plants since I switched into 12/12, I consider myself lucky that out of 2 plants both were female! So I got that going for me! Since the original pictures I moved location into closet with some mylar and added more lights and have more incoming. Amazon prime is so flipping useful when growing!

Soil is simply a miracle gro product (I know, I know) but I was more than happy with how nice the soil was. The name is Nature's Care organic garden soil, do not have too many grow shops nearby so I picked it up at a walmart!

Also picked up a box fan and a small 5 inch battery fan for ventilation! Any advice or tips are always appreciated too! Thanks for following my grow!
Pictures of updated grow and 1 week in flowering!
Others have given good advice i just assume that more than often finding one or two seeds in a bud means fem seeds, good chance thats why you got two females not from luck. If you have another seed from that bud could assume it will be female as well.

I too have been using Amazon more for grow gear, most hydro shops are on there anyway